AO3 = Archive of Our Own, a fanfiction archive created/maintained by the OTW.
AOS, AoS =
1. “Alternate Original Series” (Star Trek reboot movies).
2. TV series Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
3. Age of Sail (canons such as Horatio Hornblower or Patrick O'Brian's Aubrey/Maturin).
ASOIAF, ASoIaF = see GoT.
ATG = Any Two Guys, more rarely Any Two Girls. In reference to fic with generic characterization; the pairing could be “any two guys.” Used in "Guess the ATG" game threads (beloved of nonnies for the creative name-swapping possibilities).
ATLA, AtLA = the Western cartoon series Avatar: The Last Airbender.
BS = Benjanun Sriduangkaew, the pro-writing pseudonym of Winterfox.
BTS = a K-pop boy band, also known as the Bangtan Boys.
BtVS = the 1990s TV series Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
CA:TWS, TWS = Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
CBT = on FFA, equally likely to be earnestly used in discussions about therapy options (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) or in discussions about kink (Cock and Ball Torture).
IASIP = the TV series It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
ITT = in this thread.
JGL = the actor Joseph Gordon Levitt, best known on meme for playing Arthur in the 2010 MSF movie Inception.
JGY = Jin Guangyao, a character in the Chinese TV series CQL/The Untamed. Sometimes pronounced “Jiggy” by Western fans.
JKR = J.K. Rowling, the author of the HP series.
JS&MN = the novel Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke.
LJ = LiveJournal.
LL = “Link links!” (unless you're an spnanonhaven/FFA bimemer, in which case it stands for “Leonidaslion”).
LoK = Legend of Korra.
LotRiPS, LOTRiPS, Lotrips = Lord of the Rings Real Person Slash.
LWJ = Lan Wangji, a character in the Chinese TV series CQL/The Untamed.
MCU = Marvel Cinematic Universe. Includes (at least) the Thor, Avengers, Iron Man, and Captain America movies, as well as the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series in its continuity.
MDZS = Mó Dào Zǔ Shī/Grandmasters of Demonic Cultivation, a Chinese novel and donghua TV series.
MFVW/MFCW = Mantis Fuck Vore [or Consent] World, an FFA-originated offshoot of DFRW/A/B/O.
MLP, MLP:FiM = My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Meme critter Pinkie Pie either hails from there or named herself after one of the characters.
MNF = Medium Name Fan.
MRF = Mary Renault Fics, a notoriously gatekeeping LJ community that went out in a blaze of wank.
MSF = Migratory Slash Fan[dom]. Refers to fandoms transiently popular with certain fans, particularly slash BNFs. The juggernaut pairings are often white and male, a/k/a “whitecock.”
NCIS = the TV series NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service.
NN = author Naomi Novik, a/k/a BNF Astolat, cofounder of the OTW. She was once referred to on meme solely by her initials to avoid linking her wallet name to her fannish pseud. Now that she has herself connected the two identities and also personally and publicly accepted a Hugo Award on behalf of AO3, meme rules permit “NN” and “Astolat” to be used interchangeably.
NNF = No Name Fan. Very rarely also LNF, Little/Low Name Fan.
SMOF = “Secret Master of Fandom,” an old-school fandom term referring to conrunners and similar BNFs.
SnK/AoT = Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan, a popular manga/anime series.
SPN = Supernatural.
SRB = Sarah Rees Brennan, pro author who started in fandom. Friend of Cassie Claire and frequently wanky in her own right.
STID, ST:ID = Not in fact a sexually transmitted ailment, despite its similarities to one, but Star Trek: Into Darkness (the 2013 movie, second in the ST:AOS continuity).
ST:TNG = Star Trek: The Next Generation.
ST:TOS = Star Trek: The Original Series.
SVSSS = Scum Villain's Self-Saving System.
SW: TFA = Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Often just “TFA.”