“How is he wrong on EVERYTHING? HOW. He's not even a stopped clock, he's like a stopped version of Dr Manhattan's radioactive watch from when he was trapped in the lab which exploded and was put together again and is right twice a millennium upside-down on the other side of the universe.”
— Nov. 8, 2014
W.S. is a mediocre (kindly speaking) sf/f writer whose hilariously bad novels feature, among other things, a vegan vampire and Jesus jerky. More importantly, he is a serious wanker, a harasser and stalker, and a relentless self-Googler.
He first became wank-notorious during RaceFail '09 for plunging into discussions of racism and insisting that the only salient oppression in the U.S. anymore is classism. He also “outed” LiveJournaler and writer CoffeeandInk, as well as stalked and harassed her. Since RaceFail, he has been involved, if even tangentially, in just about every major SJ wank covered in this wiki (with the exception of Vividcon) and — with the sole, shining exception of Elizabeth Moon losing her Guest of Honor status at Wiscon after an Islamophobic 9/11 rant — been on the wrong side of every single one.
He inevitably shows up in online discussions about him and takes over the discussion, wanking away with purposeful obtuseness. To keep him from doing so on FFA, nonnies have munged his name in any number of ways, such as “Wool Sweaterly,” “Wails Soulfully,” “The Sweaterly One,” etc. However, he Googles on those variants as well. In one instance of this, he showed up in this thread about his defense of the racist novel Save the Pearls.
The silver lining is that he inspired a nonnie to identify themself as “Not Wool Sweaterly (But an Incredible Simulation!)” in various parody comments, such as:
A helpful nonnie created A Simple Guide to Recognizing Anonymized, Third-Person Wool Sweaterly:
Nonnies downstream of this list came up with other signs that you've spotted the wild W.S.:
An earnest nonny asked His Wooliness to recognize that he might need professional help for his compulsive, life-wrecking internet behavior. Naturally, this nonnie did not get a response.
Some of his other greatest hits and/or FFA discussion thereof: