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Acronyms Commonly Used on FFA

FFA (also f-fa and variants): Fail Fandom Anon, the anonmeme you've been looking at.

Conversational identifiers

  • Nonny, nonnie, anon = the people posting comments on meme
  • AYRT = anon you replied to
  • AIRT = anon I'm replying to
  • A AIRT RT = anon [whom] the anon I'm replying to [earlier] replied to (usually the anon two comments up instead of one)
  • AVRT = anon velociraptor replied to
  • NAYRT = not the anon you replied to
  • SA = same anon (when you're adding to or correcting something in a comment you just submitted)
  • NA = new anon (not previously part of the discussion)
  • DA = different anon (possibly new to the subthread, may already be contributing to the discussion in a different subthread)
  • OP = original poster (person who started the thread)
  • SubOP = subthread OP
  • YADA = yet another different anon
  • YANA = yet another new anon (when it doesn't mean You Are Not Alone)

Other acronyms you may see

  • 2ha = The Husky and His White Cat Shizun.
  • A/B/O = Alpha/Beta/Omega[verse] fic or characters. See Dogfuck Rapeworld (or the Fanlore page) for details.
  • ASOIAF = see GoT.
  • AFFN,, variants =
  • AITA = Am I The Asshole? Based on the subreddit of the same name.
  • ANH = Star Wars: A New Hope.
  • AO3 = Archive of Our Own, a fanfiction archive created/maintained by the OTW.
  • AOS =
    1. “Alternate Original Series” (Star Trek reboot movies).
    2. TV series Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
    3. Age of Sail (canons such as Horatio Hornblower or Patrick O'Brian's Aubrey/Maturin).
  • ATG = Any Two Guys, more rarely Any Two Girls. In reference to fic with generic characterization; the pairing could be “any two guys.” Used in "Guess the ATG" game threads (beloved of nonnies for the creative name-swapping possibilities).
  • ATLA = Avatar: The Last Airbender.
  • B5 = Babylon 5.
  • BaTB = Beauty and the Beast, typically the Disney renaissance movie.
  • BEC = (look at that) Bitch Eating Crackers, referring to a grudge that makes the bearer annoyed by even the most innocuous actions of the target.
  • BFE = Bangs Fests Exchanges, one of meme's common threads.
  • BNF = Big Name Fan.
  • BL = boys' love.
  • BoTW = Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
  • BS = Benjanun Sriduangkaew, the pro-writing pseudonym of Winterfox.
  • BTS = a K-pop boy band, also known as Bangtan Boys.
  • BtVS = Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
  • CA:TWS, TWS = Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
  • CBT = on FFA, equally likely to be earnestly used in discussions about therapy options (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) or in discussions about kink (Cock and Ball Torture).
  • CSI = The Crime Scene Investigation TV series.
  • CTSC = comment(ing) to see comments. No longer a thing since the move to Dreamwidth.
  • DAYD = “Dumbledore's Army and the Year of Darkness,” a fanfic by Thanfiction.
  • DBH = Detroit: Become Human.
  • DBZ = Dragon Ball Z.
  • DCU - DC (Comics) Cinematic Universe.
  • DD = “Details, details!” A call for evasive/coy nonnies to spill the beans about whatever.
  • DDLC = Doki Doki Literature Club.
  • DNW = Do Not Want, used in fanworks exchanges to refer nonjudgmentally to things the recipient does not wish to have in their gift.
  • DW = Usually either Doctor Who or Dreamwidth; depends on context.
  • EFRW = Eldritchfuck Roseworld, a loose multiverse of Homestuck AUs.
  • EFW = existential flame war, based on the LJ comm of the same name, which originated in the Usenet group alt.callahans. Enjoyed by some, reviled by others.
  • EPH = emergency pinch hit, in fanworks exchanges.
  • FE3H = Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
  • FF = Final Fantasy, usually followed by a number or Roman numeral to indicate the version.
  • FFN,, FF, variants =
  • FMA = Full Metal Alchemist.
  • FWA = Fog Warriors Anon, Dragon Age troll.
  • GoT = Game of Thrones, TV series based on George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire (ASOIAF).
  • GotG = Guardians of the Galaxy.
  • GRRM = George R.R. Martin, author of ASOIAF.
  • HIMYM = How I Met Your Mother.
  • HPMOR = “Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality,” a smug longfic by “rationalist” cultist Eliezer Yudkowsky.
  • HTGAWM = How to Get Away with Murder.
  • IASIP = It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
  • ITT = in this thread.
  • JGY = Jin Guang Yao, a character in The Untamed. Sometimes pronounced “Jiggy” by Western fans.
  • JS&MN = Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell.
  • LJ = LiveJournal.
  • LJW = Lan Wangji, a character in The Untamed.
  • LL = “Link links!” (unless you're an spnanonhaven/FFA bimemer, in which case it stands for “Leonidaslion”).
  • LoK = Legend of Korra.
  • LotRiPS, LOTRiPS, Lotrips = Lord of the Rings Real Person Slash/
  • MCU = Marvel Cinematic Universe. Includes (at least) the Thor, Avengers, Iron Man, and Captain America movies, as well as the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series in its continuity.
  • MDZS = Mó Dào Zǔ Shī/Grandmasters of Demonic Cultivation.
  • MFVW/MFCW = Mantis Fuck Vore [or Consent] World, an FFA-originated offshoot of DFRW/A/B/O.
  • MLP, MLP:FiM = My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Meme critter Pinkie Pie either hails from there or named herself after one of the characters.
  • MNF = Medium Name Fan.
  • MSF = Migratory Slash Fan[dom]. Refers to fandoms transiently popular with certain, particularly big-name slash fans, often with white-cock juggernaut pairings.
  • NN = author Naomi Novik aka BNF Astolat, cofounder of OTW. Formerly, often referred to by her initials to avoid linking her wallet name to her fannish pseud; now that she has herself connected the two identities and also personally and publicly accepted a Hugo Award on behalf of AO3, there's no reason not to do so.
  • NNF = No Name Fan. Very rarely also LNF, Little/Low Name Fan.
  • NOTP = opposite of an OTP.
  • OFC = Original Female Character.
  • OEA = Overly Earnest Anon.
  • OSA = Overly Sensitive Anon.
  • OMC = Original Male Character.
  • OMGCP = “Oh My God Check Please,” created because “CP” is unfortunately ambiguous.
  • OT3 = One True Threesome. There are also OT4s, OT5s, etc.
  • OUAT = Once Upon a Time. TV show based on fairytales, on which step-grandparent/step-grandchild incest is not intergenerational and a major pairing.
  • PoA = Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
  • POI = Person of Interest. TV show/MSF starring Michael Emerson from Lost and Jim Caviezel a.k.a. Jesus Cavesus.
  • PotC = Pirates of the Caribbean.
  • PotO = Phantom of the Opera.
  • PWP = Porn Without Plot, also known as “Plot? What Plot?”
  • QAF = Queer as Folk.
  • RH = Requires Only That You Hate, a blog run by Winterfox.
  • ROTJ = Star Wars: Return of the Jedi.
  • RP = roleplay.
  • RPF, RPS = Real-Person Fic, Real-Person Slash.
  • SGA = Stargate Atlantis.
  • SMOF = “Secret Master of Fandom,” an old-school fandom term referring to conrunners and similar BNFs.
  • SnK/AoT = Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan, popular manga/anime series
  • SPN = Supernatural.
  • SRB = Sarah Rees Brennan, pro author who came from fandom. Friend of Cassie Claire and frequently wanky in her own right.
  • STID, ST:ID = Not in fact a sexually transmitted ailment, but Star Trek: Into Darkness (the 2013 movie, second in the ST:AOS continuity).
  • ST:TNG = Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  • ST:TOS = Star Trek: The Original Series.
  • SVSSS = Scum Villain's Self-Saving System.
  • SW: TFA = Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Often just “TFA.”
  • TF = Thanfiction, sometimes also “ThatFucker.”
  • TGCF = Tian Guan Ci Fu/Heaven's Official Blessing.
  • THBP = Harry Potter and the The Half-Blood Prince
  • TLJ = Star Wars: The Last Jedi.
  • TLOU2 = The Last of Us 2.
  • TMA = The Magnus Archives, a horror podcast.
  • TPTB = “The Powers That Be,” referring to showrunners and movie producers.
  • TROS, TRoS = Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.
  • TSN = On FFA, usually refers to The Social Network (2010 slashbait film), more rarely to The Sentinel (1990s slashbait TV series).
  • TW =
    1. Teen Wolf.
    2. Torchwood.
    3. Trigger warning. Depends on context.
  • TWS = see CA:TWS.
  • TWW = The West Wing.
  • TYWAU = Things You Wouldn't Admit Unanon. One of the common threads on the meme, usually on the first page. Occasionally rendered as “TYWNAU.”
  • UST = unresolved sexual tension.
  • WF = Winterfox.
  • WKX = Wen Ke Xing, a character in Word of Honor/Faraway Wanderers.
  • WS = He who shall not be named, for he is a notorious self-googler and will show up to act out on meme.
  • WSA = Weird Scenario Anon. Just what it says on the tin.
  • WSJ = On meme, normally Weekly Shounen Jump, a major manga magazine, rather than the Wall Street Journal.
  • WTNV = Welcome to Night Vale, a podcast.
  • WTNVNA = Welcome to Night Vale Hating Anon, a long-time troll.
  • WWX = Wei Wuxian, a character in The Untamed.
  • YKINMKATOK = Your Kink Is Not My Kink And That's OK. Nonnies usually call this concept KINKTOMATO instead, as it's snappier and easier to remember.
  • ZSS = Zhou Zi Shu, a character in Word of Honor/Faraway Wanderers.

(Some content cribbed from FFA's profile page. For some concepts mentioned on this page, there may be more information at

acronyms.1633267316.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/10/03 13:21 by RedDeliciousApples