SFP = Sad French People, a DW anonmeme for Les Misérables fandom that sprang from FFA and that ultimately wanked itself to death.
SGA = the TV series Stargate Atlantis.
SHL = the Chinese TV series Shan He Ling/Word of Honor.
SMOF = “Secret Master of Fandom,” an old-school fandom term referring to conrunners and similar BNFs.
SnK/AoT = the manga and anime series Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan.
SPN = the TV series Supernatural.
SRB = Sarah Rees Brennan, pro author who started in fandom. Friend of
Cassie Claire and frequently wanky in her own right.
STID, ST:ID = Not in fact a sexually transmitted ailment, despite its similarities to one, but Star Trek: Into Darkness (the 2013 movie, second in the ST:AOS continuity).
ST:TNG = the TV series Star Trek: The Next Generation.
ST:TOS = the TV series Star Trek: The Original Series.
SVSSS = the Chinese novel Scum Villain's Self-Saving System.
SW = Star Wars, the entire movie franchise.
SW:TFA = the movie Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Often just “TFA.”