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Meme's Conversion to Accepting Chuck Tingle as Our Lord and Savior

cover of Space Raptor Butt InvasionDr. Tingle was first brought up on meme in late January 2015, when a nonny introduced the rest of us to “The novels of Chuck Tingler” [sic]. At that point, nonnies weren’t terribly impressed: 2,99 for something that's just a little longer than your average kinkmeme fill? Sorry, but no. That's barely enough words for 1 2 3 fingers.” Also, as noted then and in an early-February thread, Dr. Tingle is not the first writer of gay erotica, even gay dinosaur erotica, on

A month later, in response to a well-known meme, Tingle came out with //Pounded By The Gay Color Changing Dress//. This was noted on FFA: “Yeah, that dress.” That book came up again on June 10.

On Sep. 13, there was a 20-comment thread devoted to Tingle’s books, especially his then-new //Pounded In The Butt By My Own Butt//. This is the point at which meme’s opinion of Dr. Tingle markedly began to turn:

In mid-November, in the wake of right-wing screaming about Starbucks holiday coffee cups without the word “Christmas” on them, Tingle came out with //Oppressed In The Butt By My Inclusive Holiday Coffee Cups//. Meme approved.

On Dec. 11, meme discussed how Tingle was, ahem, skewering Martin Shrkeli with his new work, //Pharma Bro Pounded In The Butt By T-Rex Comedian Bill Murky And A Clan Of Triceratops Rappers Trying To Get Their Album Back//. Nonnies insisted, “Chuck Tingle is a national treasure and I will hear no words against him” and “Anyone who has anything bad to say about Chuck Tingle is a heathen if you ask me.”

In early November, a nonny revealed that they were getting “all my fandom besties” Tingle e-books for the holidays. On Dec. 23, a nonny stated they’d be nominating Tingle books as a Yuletide 2016 fandom. Four days later, a nonny said they’d be asking for Chuck Tingle RPF for next Yuletide.

On Jan. 20, 2016, in a thread she titled “Meme, this is your responsibility,” Ur-Sunny announced that she’d just bought //Pounded In The Butt By My Book “Pounded In The Butt By My Book ‘Pounded In The Butt By My Own Butt.’”// On Mar. 13, nonny shared, “Last night on Skype, I introduced two friends to the glory of Chuck Tingle.” And on Apr. 9, nonny informed us, “My sister hung up on me as I read her some Chuck Tingle book titles, and she didn't even tell me which one she wants for her birthday.”

memes-conversion-chuck-tingle-savior.txt · Last modified: 2021/08/30 06:02 by nonnymousely