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Some nonnies consider Spider-Hyphenation a hill worth dying on. Others don't see the importance of proper arachnid superhero punctuation.

For example:

Another time, Yuletide wank was invoked:

Sometimes it's simply a matter of good fic vs. bad:

But sometimes nonnies ascribe greater importance to the hyphen:

This comes up frequently enough as a hill to die on that nonnies have begun discussing the flag they should pitch at said hill:

On at least one occasion, Spider-Hyphen-Man was used as a general top-level Spider-Man thread. But of course, there is dissent:

As well as poetry:

Spiderman? Spider Man?
Put a hyphen in if you're a real fan
Stan Lee said so, fifty years ago
When he was working with Steve Ditko
Nonnies, hyphenate Spider-Man!
spider-hyphen-man.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/19 20:02 by nonnymousely