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Giant wooden penis and scrotum chained to a car in RussiaMany nonnies have hateboners. Every so often we have a thread in which we can stroke them. And, sometimes, meme gets philosophical about hateboners.

Hateboners are things you stroke. If two people get together to share their hateboners with one another, that might be hatefrottage, or maybe hatedocking. If you stroke it long enough, you may have a hategasm. But this is rarely observed, because hateboners can last for years. Decades, even. Viagra boners have nothing on hateboners, and your doctor isn't going to help.

I have some questions about hateboners, meme:

- If you like to stroke your hateboner regularly, are you a grower or a shower?

- If your hateskin is cut off when you're eight days old, will that make it less pleasurable to stroke your hateboner later in life?

- Is the stuff that leaks out before the (theoretical) hategasm called pre-hate?

- If you need to exert better control over your hateboner, can you lock it up in a hateboner cage? Conversely, if your hateboner has not been performing as well as it should lately, could you slap a hateboner ring on it?

- If there were hateboner a/b/o, how long would the hate-alpha and hate-omega be knotted together in mutual hatred?

Thank you in advance for your answers about hateboners.

hateboners.txt · Last modified: 2021/08/28 18:54 (external edit)