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Dennis Prager is very worried about The Dangers of Catboys“I love that meme is a place where I can bring up catboys in a humorous-but-mostly-earnest way and get nonnies unironically being into it and later making comments saying they can't stop thinking about their fave as a catboy. Catboys just make everything better.” — Nonny

Meme has a thing for catboys. Who doesn't? Many nonnies like to imagine their faves as catboys. Some nonnies have written catboy fic, about their faves or about original characters. Many nonnies like to joke about catboys. Some notable threads and comments we've had involving catboys and the like….

"Catboys and Catgirls and Catenbys," although it was suggested that “catenby” be changed to “nyanbinary.”
After playing with The Meme Experience Generator and getting “bad faith catboy projection,” Nonny remarked, “I don't think we've ever had weird catboy wank, but I wouldn't exactly be surprised if we had long threads accusing people of letting their catboys outside and how they keep wrecking the local ecosytems bringing back wild sluts and dropping them on their owner's doorsteps.”
Would your fave fuck a contextless catboy pussy? If they found one in the park?”
First-time catboy owner here. My catboy likes to read meme over my shoulder, but I'm worried it's making him pick up bad habits. For example, he's started talking about wanting to go outside and be an outdoor catboy, and he once referred to my ownership of him as 'just like Nabokov.' Is this a problem? Should I refrain from memeing around him?”
What do you think of the monetization of Catboy ass? I remember when you could find a stray Catboy in heat on any street corner and now it's all Catboy rescue operations who want you to pay hundreds of dollars and have a background check done to take a catboy home. Like the fact that I'm poor and have been to prison for illegal caviar smuggling means I'm not entitled to my own little kitty slut? And don't even get me started on all these shots you have to get your Catboy. In my country it's considered normal for catboys to foam out the mouth, that's just nature's lube, but Americans are all 'it's rabies!' about it. In my day no one ever heard of rabies.”
Whenever I disagreed with my mum, she forced me to sleep in a cardboard box with the family catboy.”

And, crossing over meme's catboy obsession with notoriously parodyable poet William Carlos Williams: "This is just to say"...

I have knotted
the catboy
that was in
your bedroom

and which
you were probably
for your rut

Forgive me
he was delicious
so submissive
and so breedable

Even Talk to Transformer has thoughts on catboys:

Gone are the days when catboys were attracted by a man's handsomeness. Today, we are talking about giant barbed cocks, and your compromise to become a tiger in bed.

And, of course, the clawclamp.
wiki/catboys.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/06 19:50 by RedDeliciousApples