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Miscellaneous Tingler Threads

There is no way to include on this page all the references to Our Lord and Savior, Chuck Tingle, that have appeared on meme since he first appeared on our radar. But here are the major ones.

On Christmas Day 2015, Pounded By The Gay Color Changing Dress was discussed yet again. Nonnies wished for a female equivalent, discussed bird/dinosaur anatomy, and raved over a 5-star review of the dress book.

On New Year’s Eve, the good doctor was mentioned in a small portion of a thread titled “Crackiest thing you've read this year.” In response, another nonny linked an Ask Me Anything on Reddit by Son Name of Jon, “in which Jon is revealed to be a kind-hearted son who edits his dad's work to make it grammatical and fractionally less bizarre.” Also on Dec. 31, nonnies had a wry discussion of why our fave Chuck is “problematic.”

In another Jan. 8 discussion, OP asked, “How would you react if you brought one to a con in Las Vegas, and when you got back from your room at night the actual actor was on your bed…..” nonnies suggested two Tingle titles: //Pounded in the Butt by My Sexy Loki Body Pillow// and //Pounded in the Butt by My Transforming Body Pillow Millionaire Actor//. The next post was titled “Erotic Body Pillow Fiction,” and its non-boilerplate text was, “Chuck Tingle's latest epic: Pounded in the Butt by EVERYONE'S Sexy Body Pillow. Except Loki’s.”

As said here, Tingle was not the first author to mine the vein of absurdist niche erotica, and he will certainly not be the last. On Jan. 13, nonnies discussed some non-Tingle smut written in response to current events, Leonard Delaney’s //Oregon Patriots Occupied My Butt//. OP, having read the first page, stated that it lacked //“a certain// je ne sais WTF//.”//

One week later came a 131-comment thread about Chuck’s latest, Pounded In The Butt By My Book "Pounded In The Butt By My Book 'Pounded In The Butt By My Own Butt’”. In response to a comment quoting the blurb that the book is about “sentient wizard book love,” a nonny replied, “Fuck propelling him into the real world. Propel him into Valdemar.”

Also meanwhile (this was a very Tingle-heavy post), meme’s usual “careful what you wish for” thread was titled FISTED IN THE BUTT BY THE MONKEY'S PAW, and one nonny who wished for “the power of Chuck Tingle” was told how the fates would make them pay for it.

The next post was titled “Tinglriffic,” but it was not quite as Tinglriffic as the previous. We did, however, get the Tingle fusion snippet and attempted kinkmeme mentioned on this page, a Tingle joke in the “let meme make your decisions for you” thread, and bad dialog tags in an MCU fic that led to a short Tingle subthread. The subsequent post was likewise sedate in Tingle terms, featuring only the news that Chuck had accepted Zoe Quinn’s invitation to create a game with her and his //“NSFW Presidential announcement video with Channing Tatum and T-Rex porn.”//

On Feb. 2, in a disgruntled thread about the Iowa presidential caucuses, a nonny wrote, “I would totally read anything Chuck Tingle would write about the Iowa cacuses. Gay Billionaire Dinosaur Pounded in the Ass by my Own Caucus Vote! Gay Ballot Box Triceratops Caucus Orgy!” Another nonny helpfully linked to //President Domald Loch Ness Tromp Pounds America's Butt//.

The same day, in the “Wanky Comment Thread,” nonny asked, “Meme, why do you love Chuck Tingle so much? If he were using fandom characters, you'd be lambasting him in Summary Executions.” Meme replied that “he’s hilarious,” that “he is clearly having fun, writes surprisingly original things, and is not a drama farmer,” and that “Meme can contain multitudes.”

Also on the same day, a nonny asked what “pounded in the butt by X” was a reference to. When told, they asked, “Who is Chuck Tingle?”, promping a Sunny to ask if they were bored and another nonny to declare, “Our Lord and Saviour.” The next day, (presumably another) nonny wanted to know, “What is the deal with Chuck Tingle and why is meme suddenly so obsessed with him?”

On Feb. 8, in the TYWAU thread, a nonny confessed, “I've gotten off to Chuck Tingle's stories.”

On Feb. 10, in a thread titled "Paging Chuck Tingle...", a nonny linked to a suggestive comment by Republican presidential contender Ted Cruz and said, “This needs to be a 'Pounded in the Butt' book.”

On Feb. 12, the OP of the “Bangs, Fests & Exchanges” thread opined, “All fics should be titles in the style of a Chuck Tingle book.” Chuck's name was invoked in various parts of this thread:

  • In the Smut Swap subthread, a nonny wrote, Dear person who nominated 'Furniture Coming to Life and Fucking People': Please provide examples of this. Many lengthy examples. For, uh, science.” Another came up with, Pounded in the Butt by My Antique Louis XVI Side Chair.”
  • In the Chocolate Box subthread, a nonny linked to gen RPF featuring Chuck and Son Name of Jon.
  • Also in the Chocolate Box subthread, nonnies played “Three Truths and a Lie,” and one of them linked to that fic.
miscellaneous-tingler-threads.txt · Last modified: 2021/08/30 06:14 by nonnymousely