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Hand Washing Wank

Pigpen, from the Peanuts comicsAugust 14, 2013: In the “Venting Thread,” a nonny complained about gross in-laws who didn't wash their hands after using the toilet. It wasn't half a dozen comments before another nonny asked,

“Wait, what's ew about that? That people didn't use the soap? Some people don't use soap every time they wash their hands. Doesn't seem like a big deal to me.”

This kicked off a massive, falling-off-the-right-margin-of-the-page flamewar about whether it's OK to just rinse with water (vs. wash with soap) after you pee, with side forays into antibacterial soap, allusions to Captain Trips, the question //"Are you really that diseased?"//, accusations of hypochondria, claims that the drying effects of soap outweigh its cleansing effects in terms of infection risk, accusations that //"always-soaping nonnies"// are polluting the waterways with phosphate, the epithet //"pro-soapers"// to refer to nonnies who have a clue about hygiene, the distinction between strawmen and hyperbole, a nonny involved in public health campaigns who had never before “heard of the idea that soap is somehow so caustic it will cause your skin to fall off,” a nonny who actually claimed that showering without soap kept them non-smelly all day, and //"We're about two hours away from someone claiming soap causes autism."//

Possibly the funniest comment:

Soap is for wussies, anyways. You guys should be washing your hands in the liquified remains of your enemies while their screams are still echoing.”

“The germs will know fear, this night.”

hand-washing-wank.txt · Last modified: 2021/08/31 14:22 by RedDeliciousApples