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glamaphonic [2021/08/28 18:54] external edit
glamaphonic [2021/08/30 03:21] (current)
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 ====== Glamaphonic ====== ====== Glamaphonic ======
-[[|Glamaphonic]], who is [[|peri_peteia]] on LJ and used to be known as Rawles there, is an [[w/page/58138413/Migratory%20Slash%20Fandom|MSF]] who has been in many fandoms. She is also a long-time wanker who uses SJ rhetoric to defend her ships and attack other people’s ships. She is most notorious for:+[[|Glamaphonic]], who is [[|peri_peteia]] on LJ and used to be known as Rawles there, is an [[migratory-slash-fandom 
 +|MSF]] who has been in many fandoms. She is also a long-time wanker who uses SJ rhetoric to defend her ships and attack other people’s ships. She is most notorious for:
   * being part of a clique of //Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood// fans who wrote Roy/Riza a certain way and were passive-aggressive about those who wrote it “wrong,” or who wrote about other issues in the canon in a “problematic” manner   * being part of a clique of //Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood// fans who wrote Roy/Riza a certain way and were passive-aggressive about those who wrote it “wrong,” or who wrote about other issues in the canon in a “problematic” manner
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 **Dec. 13, 2014:** //“////[[|Shipping for greater justice, that's what's going on.]] Wankers who are very aggressive about the pairings they ship (glamaphonic and company) have decreed anyone who dares shipping a pairing they've deemed unworthy (snowboring, and how they lovingly call the shippers 'SnowAsses') must be called out and taught the error of their ways. And they also hate olicity (or 'olicishit') because reasons. They froth at the mouth at any mention of snowbarry, pass links to any articles that mention snowbarry and then bomb the comments section with pro-westallen comments. Because they're convinced it's their sacred duty to make sure the CW isn't tempted to pull a janny or an olicity on them. The whole thing is very one sided.”// **Dec. 13, 2014:** //“////[[|Shipping for greater justice, that's what's going on.]] Wankers who are very aggressive about the pairings they ship (glamaphonic and company) have decreed anyone who dares shipping a pairing they've deemed unworthy (snowboring, and how they lovingly call the shippers 'SnowAsses') must be called out and taught the error of their ways. And they also hate olicity (or 'olicishit') because reasons. They froth at the mouth at any mention of snowbarry, pass links to any articles that mention snowbarry and then bomb the comments section with pro-westallen comments. Because they're convinced it's their sacred duty to make sure the CW isn't tempted to pull a janny or an olicity on them. The whole thing is very one sided.”//
-**Dec. 14, 2014:** In [[w/page/57272115/Things%20You%20Wouldn't%20Admit%20Unanon|TYWAU]], [[|a nonny confesses]] to having for the last few years //“////been friends with someone widely considered a wanker on FFA...// //I never really shared a fandom with them, so my opinion was always that meme was kind of harsh on them. But recently we got into the same fandom, and there's a shipwar brewing, and . . . yeah. They are that bad. And I don't really know how to say as much to them without pissing them + our wider circle of friends off.”// Surprise, the friend was Glamaphonic!+**Dec. 14, 2014:** In [[TYWAU]], [[|a nonny confesses]] to having for the last few years //“////been friends with someone widely considered a wanker on FFA...// //I never really shared a fandom with them, so my opinion was always that meme was kind of harsh on them. But recently we got into the same fandom, and there's a shipwar brewing, and . . . yeah. They are that bad. And I don't really know how to say as much to them without pissing them + our wider circle of friends off.”// Surprise, the friend was Glamaphonic!
 **Jan. 7, 2015:** In a thread titled “SJW's you can't stand,” [[|a nonny offers]]: //“////Blackgirlsparadise and glamaphonic, they're just bullies who use the rest of fandom as punching bags. Their performative rage is so ott and ridiculous and I wish they'd just admit they only care about SJ issues as long as they can use them to be disgusting to fans of opposing pairings.”// **Jan. 7, 2015:** In a thread titled “SJW's you can't stand,” [[|a nonny offers]]: //“////Blackgirlsparadise and glamaphonic, they're just bullies who use the rest of fandom as punching bags. Their performative rage is so ott and ridiculous and I wish they'd just admit they only care about SJ issues as long as they can use them to be disgusting to fans of opposing pairings.”//
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 **Apr. 15, 2015:** In a thread titled “First impressions vindicated through meme,” [[|a nonny shares]] a link to a [[|Glamaphonic post]] in which she replies to anons challenging her assertion that Snowbarry is racist with, “It is as simple as this: I am right, children. You are wrong. You have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about and your parents should have raised you better, but I am not your mama and I have things to do in my life besides try to teach human decency to lost youths on the internet who don’t want to learn.” [[|Another nonny]]: //“////Geez, that is some high-level bile. I don//////’t////// care who Barry//////’//////s with, but this might make me start shipping Caitlin/Barry just to spite glamaphonic.”// **Apr. 15, 2015:** In a thread titled “First impressions vindicated through meme,” [[|a nonny shares]] a link to a [[|Glamaphonic post]] in which she replies to anons challenging her assertion that Snowbarry is racist with, “It is as simple as this: I am right, children. You are wrong. You have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about and your parents should have raised you better, but I am not your mama and I have things to do in my life besides try to teach human decency to lost youths on the internet who don’t want to learn.” [[|Another nonny]]: //“////Geez, that is some high-level bile. I don//////’t////// care who Barry//////’//////s with, but this might make me start shipping Caitlin/Barry just to spite glamaphonic.”//
-**Apr. 16, 2015:** In a thread about [[w/page/95246807/Sherlock%20221b%20Con%20Wank|Sherlock 221b Con Wank]], a nonny asks about the early warning signs of toxicity in other fans, and //“////Nonny who used to be friendly with glamaphonic”// [[|provides a long, thoughtful comment]] about their experiences in that crowd and the lessons they've learned. [[|Another nonny who was also in that crowd]] said they had similar feelings.+**Apr. 16, 2015:** In a thread about [[sherlock-221b-con-wank|Sherlock 221b Con Wank]], a nonny asks about the early warning signs of toxicity in other fans, and //“////Nonny who used to be friendly with glamaphonic”// [[|provides a long, thoughtful comment]] about their experiences in that crowd and the lessons they've learned. [[|Another nonny who was also in that crowd]] said they had similar feelings.
 **Apr. 17, 2015:** [[|Glamaphonic is discussed]] in a thread titled “Users Fandom is cursed to have.” Discussion covers how she’s [[|gotten worse over time]], [[|how toxic]] she’s made //Flash// fandom, how her fic about couples who subvert gender norms in canon [[|actually supports gender norms]], and how [[|she liveblogged the movie]] //[[|Looper]]// only a week before it came out without tags or warnings. **Apr. 17, 2015:** [[|Glamaphonic is discussed]] in a thread titled “Users Fandom is cursed to have.” Discussion covers how she’s [[|gotten worse over time]], [[|how toxic]] she’s made //Flash// fandom, how her fic about couples who subvert gender norms in canon [[|actually supports gender norms]], and how [[|she liveblogged the movie]] //[[|Looper]]// only a week before it came out without tags or warnings.
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 **Apr. 22, 2015:** //“////[[|Glamaphonic needs to stop acting]] so goddamn condescending and stop pretending she//////’//////s the only one who cares about Caitlin. It//////’//////s like debbiechan and Orihime all over again.//”// //“//That would require glamaphonic to stop being herself or just fuck off our of fandom. /glamaphonic hateboner nonnie//”//// **Apr. 22, 2015:** //“////[[|Glamaphonic needs to stop acting]] so goddamn condescending and stop pretending she//////’//////s the only one who cares about Caitlin. It//////’//////s like debbiechan and Orihime all over again.//”// //“//That would require glamaphonic to stop being herself or just fuck off our of fandom. /glamaphonic hateboner nonnie//”////
-**Apr. 23, 2015:** **** [[w/page/46351568/Common%20Threads|“Fandom Venting” thread]] in which [[|a nonny complains]] about shippers who //“////try to mask their hate for a character and a pairing as concern and try to force this narrative that they care more about the character than people who call themselves fans because they don//////’//////t ship that rival pairing that breaks their otp. And the only reason they spend so much time criticizing the character and antagonizing her fans is because they care so much and are the only real fan that character has. And those long screeds they write about how if you really cared about that character as much as they do, you wouldn////’////t ship that wrong pairing. Because people who ship that wrong pairing obviously don////’////t care about her, they're not real fans.////”////// Of course, it was about [[|Glamaphonic]].+**Apr. 23, 2015:** **** [[common-threads|“Fandom Venting” thread]] in which [[|a nonny complains]] about shippers who //“////try to mask their hate for a character and a pairing as concern and try to force this narrative that they care more about the character than people who call themselves fans because they don//////’//////t ship that rival pairing that breaks their otp. And the only reason they spend so much time criticizing the character and antagonizing her fans is because they care so much and are the only real fan that character has. And those long screeds they write about how if you really cared about that character as much as they do, you wouldn////’////t ship that wrong pairing. Because people who ship that wrong pairing obviously don////’////t care about her, they're not real fans.////”////// Of course, it was about [[|Glamaphonic]].
 **May 4, 2015**, in the “Fandom Venting” thread again: The [[|concept of “klandom” comes up]], and [[|it is explained]] that //“////[s]ome Iris stans in the// Flash //fandom use //‘//klandom//’// to refer to... everyone who isn////’////t them, basically. Because as black women stanning a black woman character they are allowed to fling such vileness at other fans.”// **May 4, 2015**, in the “Fandom Venting” thread again: The [[|concept of “klandom” comes up]], and [[|it is explained]] that //“////[s]ome Iris stans in the// Flash //fandom use //‘//klandom//’// to refer to... everyone who isn////’////t them, basically. Because as black women stanning a black woman character they are allowed to fling such vileness at other fans.”//
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 **Feb. 15, 2016:** //[[|"i like how you can tell]] which parts of fandom remember poe is latinx by how much they grossly oversexualize him." // **Feb. 15, 2016:** //[[|"i like how you can tell]] which parts of fandom remember poe is latinx by how much they grossly oversexualize him." //
-**Feb. 21, 2016:** As [[w/page/46348753/PervyFicGirl|Zarabithia]] appears to be getting chummy with Glamaphonic and her clique, [[|meme discusses proghet]]. //"[T]o sum up, [[|canon het is the only legitimate and acceptable way to ship characters together]]."//+**Feb. 21, 2016:** As [[pervyficgirl|Zarabithia]] appears to be getting chummy with Glamaphonic and her clique, [[|meme discusses proghet]]. //"[T]o sum up, [[|canon het is the only legitimate and acceptable way to ship characters together]]."//
 **Feb. 23, 2016:** [[|An anon writes]], //"Being dismissive and laughing about the misogynistic treatment of white female characters is fucked up. All the fictional women you hate can no longer be something you can honestly hold onto if your calling a female character who was killed useless instead of critizing a narrative that did wrong by her." //Nonnies discuss Glamaphonic's hypocrisy. **Feb. 23, 2016:** [[|An anon writes]], //"Being dismissive and laughing about the misogynistic treatment of white female characters is fucked up. All the fictional women you hate can no longer be something you can honestly hold onto if your calling a female character who was killed useless instead of critizing a narrative that did wrong by her." //Nonnies discuss Glamaphonic's hypocrisy.
glamaphonic.1630176871.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/28 18:54 by