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“Never engage with Zarabithia. No, not even to correct blatant lies she's telling about other fans. It will never be worth it.”
— Nonny, “Rules to fandom by,” May 23, 2014
PervyFicGirl (PFG — not to be confused with Professor Fangirl) is also known as Zarabithia and clarkdoesnteatshawarma. She’s been a perennial wanker in Marvel Comics fandom since at least 2008. Her shtik is that “She’s aggressively grudgy against popular fandom pairings and pulls out every little thing in the SJ handbook to justify her subjective tastes as morally superior. She never shuts up about how much she hates just about everybody in fandom.”
She also tends to wildly misread posts by certain people she hates in an attempt to get them dogpiled. Inevitably, someone else will come along to point out that her interpretation was incorrect.
Zarabithia’s most notorious statement has been that Young Avengers character Eli Bradley (who is black) should be shoved cock first through a meat grinder because he kissed Kate Bishop — his girlfriend, who is white — without permission. This seems to be a favored punishment of hers: “I’m so fucking tired of Tony’s manpain that I would like to literally force the character dick first through a meat grinder, but you know that’s a secondary consideration.”
One industriously grudgy tracking nonnie theorizes that Zarabithia is behind numerous attempts to troll meme with some of her favorite wank subjects, such as the evils of Steve/Tony shippers, Coulson fans, the mods of the Cap_Ironman community, and sundry other People Zarabithia Hates in namespace. Later in the same thread, another nonnie presents a similarly detailed link roundup of the earlier comics wanks on meme thought to be related to Zarabithia, including a 2010 wank_report writeup.
Zarabithia may have in fact made her first FFA appearance in the very first FFA post.
Various PFG/Zarabithia discussions on meme:
She's one of those types who will go off about how ‘x thing is problematic’ but anything she likes is totally perfect, even if it's exactly the same as this other thing she hates. I actually wouldn't care about that except she's permanently attached to a soapbox and never shuts up.
(Plus, I can't take anyone seriously who goes on and on about how important it is to support female characters in fandom but then will defend Rick Remender's fridging of Sharon even though the guy admitted he killed her to give Steve angst. Like, he said in an interview that's why he did it, //and she still insists that Sharon somehow had agency before she died so it doesn’t count as fridging.)//
I was friends with her when I was new to comics fandom and completely unaware of the extent of her batshit.
It did not end well.
I disagreed with her on something, she called me a stupid misogynist and unfriended me without further discussion.
I was kind of baffled and disappointed, but I shrugged and let it go.
This was before she started using the zarabithia name. So I didn't realise it was her thenext time I got viciously attacked for a fandom opinion. It was a lot worse, involved more people, and I ended up getting really, really upset.
First thing - she's a bully.
On Tumblr, she has a general history of attacking MCU!Steve/Bucky fans for not shipping 616!Steve/Bucky, but in particular she likes to hunt out female fans who have stated they are uncomfortable with the 616 pairing due to their own personal negative experiences with older men and then go bat-shit crazy attacking them for being misogynists for not being as obsessed with adult men fucking teenagers as she is. Another hobby of hers is attacking Steve/Tony WOC fans, accusing of being racists & sexist for shipping Steve/Tony instead of Steve/Bucky. She's also the one that started the whole bullshit about Natasha raping Bucky in the Red Room and defending Remender's fridging of Sharon Carter (because that got the two biggest hurdles out of the way for her OTP).
Basically she's pretty racist against actual POC and against black male characters and accuses anyone that disagrees with her of being sexist. So, yeah she's all about Sam/Steve right now but it's just a matter of time before she throws Sam under the bus like she did with Natasha and Sharon.