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fanficrants [2021/08/28 18:54] external edit
fanficrants [2021/08/30 02:37] (current)
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 ====== FanficRants ====== ====== FanficRants ======
-[[|Fanfic Rants]] did not start out as an SJ community, but it grew into one due to the efforts of [[Theo_Harrison|theo_harrison]], who became a moderator around 2009, and various regulars who also are or were in sf_drama. [[|This secret referencing ffr]], which was posted to [[|fandomsecrets]] in December 2011, is fairly accurate. That wank was discussed [[|by Gentlefailers]]:+[[|Fanfic Rants]] did not start out as an SJ community, but it grew into one due to the efforts of [[Theo-Harrison|theo_harrison]], who became a moderator around 2009, and various regulars who also are or were in sf_drama. [[|This secret referencing ffr]], which was posted to [[|fandomsecrets]] in December 2011, is fairly accurate. That wank was discussed [[|by Gentlefailers]]:
 > //I stopped visited FFR about two years ago, and hearing that Theo was made Mod, I'm glad I did.// > //I stopped visited FFR about two years ago, and hearing that Theo was made Mod, I'm glad I did.//
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 > //No matter how noble their goal, their methods are deplorable. They are like creative cancer, sucking up everyone's attention and emotion and contributing// nothing//. Ugh!// > //No matter how noble their goal, their methods are deplorable. They are like creative cancer, sucking up everyone's attention and emotion and contributing// nothing//. Ugh!//
-As more recently [[|described]] in the course of [[Potato%20Wank|Potato Wank]]:+As more recently [[|described]] in the course of [[potato-wank|Potato Wank]]:
 > //It used to be good at writing meta. People would outline why something doesn't work. Why writing conventions were important. And there were funny entries where everyone laughed. But yeah, it took a really dark turn about 4 years ago. The whole "we eat our own" attitude drove out all reasonable discourse. I don't think, shy of a complete switch out of mods, it will ever get better.// > //It used to be good at writing meta. People would outline why something doesn't work. Why writing conventions were important. And there were funny entries where everyone laughed. But yeah, it took a really dark turn about 4 years ago. The whole "we eat our own" attitude drove out all reasonable discourse. I don't think, shy of a complete switch out of mods, it will ever get better.//
fanficrants.1630176871.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/28 18:54 by