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vividcon-bans-babies [2021/09/06 20:25]
RedDeliciousApples added pic
vividcon-bans-babies [2021/09/08 04:20] (current)
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 First-page threads on babbies at Vividcon: First-page threads on babbies at Vividcon:
-  * "[[|Breeders Fuck Everything Up]]," introducing us to [[|the Naraht thread]] in which [[Lauredhel]], [[Elfwreck]], and others complain about VVC being "child-unfriendly"+  * "[[|Breeders Fuck Everything Up]]," introducing us to [[|the Naraht thread]] in which [[Lauredhel]], [[Elfwreck]], and others complain about VVC being "child-unfriendly"
   * "[[|Breeders Still Fucking It Up]]," about [[Deepad]] taking it upon herself to [[|speak for everybody at the con]] to say that children are welcome, and [[Elfwreck]] insisting that [[|preventing children from watching NC-17 movies oppresses them]]   * "[[|Breeders Still Fucking It Up]]," about [[Deepad]] taking it upon herself to [[|speak for everybody at the con]] to say that children are welcome, and [[Elfwreck]] insisting that [[|preventing children from watching NC-17 movies oppresses them]]
   * an untitled thread revealing that [[|Vivid has always buggered llamas]]   * an untitled thread revealing that [[|Vivid has always buggered llamas]]
vividcon-bans-babies.1630959933.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2021/09/06 20:25 by RedDeliciousApples