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vividcon-bans-babies [2021/08/30 08:38] external edit
vividcon-bans-babies [2021/09/08 04:20] (current)
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 ====== Vividcon Bans Babies, a.k.a. Vividcon and Slingbabies ====== ====== Vividcon Bans Babies, a.k.a. Vividcon and Slingbabies ======
-While it was not //quite// [[|our first topic]], it comes very close, with [[|multiple threads on the first page]]. Even now, many consider this to be the reason for our founding.+{{ :slingbaby.jpg?200|cartoon of a mother carrying a baby in a sling}}While it was not //quite// [[|our first topic]], it comes very close, with [[|multiple threads on the first page]]. Even now, many consider this to be the reason for our founding.
-The run-down: Some mothers who didn't want to leave their children at home over the con tried to campaign to be allowed to bring them along, including into screenings. Eventually this morphed into [[w/page/46342981/Triggers|triggerwank]] and [[w/page/46343593/Warningwank|warningwank]]. See [[w/page/46372366/Vividcon%20and%20Ableism|Vividcon and Ableism]] for details.+The run-down: Some mothers who didn't want to leave their children at home over the con tried to campaign to be allowed to bring them along, including into screenings. Eventually this morphed into [[Triggers|triggerwank]] and [[warningwank]]. See [[vividcon-and-ableism|Vividcon and Ableism]] for details.
 First-page threads on babbies at Vividcon: First-page threads on babbies at Vividcon:
-  * "[[|Breeders Fuck Everything Up]]," introducing us to [[|the Naraht thread]] in which [[w/page/46336129/Lauredhel|Lauredhel]], [[w/page/46336183/Elfwreck|Elfwreck]], and others complain about VVC being "child-unfriendly" +  * "[[|Breeders Fuck Everything Up]]," introducing us to [[|the Naraht thread]] in which [[Lauredhel]], [[Elfwreck]], and others complain about VVC being "child-unfriendly" 
-  * "[[|Breeders Still Fucking It Up]]," about [[w/page/46336155/Deepad|Deepad]] taking it upon herself to [[|speak for everybody at the con]] to say that children are welcome, and [[w/page/46336183/Elfwreck|Elfwreck]] insisting that [[|preventing children from watching NC-17 movies oppresses them]]+  * "[[|Breeders Still Fucking It Up]]," about [[Deepad]] taking it upon herself to [[|speak for everybody at the con]] to say that children are welcome, and [[Elfwreck]] insisting that [[|preventing children from watching NC-17 movies oppresses them]]
   * an untitled thread revealing that [[|Vivid has always buggered llamas]]   * an untitled thread revealing that [[|Vivid has always buggered llamas]]
-  * "[[|With 'Allies' Like This...."]], about [[w/page/46336225/Livii|Livii]] describing her slingbabby as an "aide"+  * "[[|With 'Allies' Like This...."]], about [[Livii]] describing her slingbabby as an "aide"
-Also involved were [[w/page/46336266/Amadi|Amadi]], who [[|compared being a nursing mother to being a wheelchair user]] (discussion [[|here]]); and Ruthi, who argued [[|at some_stars' place]] that banning babies = "limiting women's freedom of movement."+Also involved were [[Amadi]], who [[|compared being a nursing mother to being a wheelchair user]] (discussion [[|here]]); and Ruthi, who argued [[|at some_stars' place]] that banning babies = "limiting women's freedom of movement."
 Some later threads on babbies at Vividcon in the first meme post: Some later threads on babbies at Vividcon in the first meme post:
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   * [[|A query]] as to how many of the slingmamas who think their infants won't know what's happening onscreen also played them Beethoven while they were still //in utero// (page 3)   * [[|A query]] as to how many of the slingmamas who think their infants won't know what's happening onscreen also played them Beethoven while they were still //in utero// (page 3)
   * [[|"I am going to start calling people 'slingbabies' as an insult now."]] (page 3)   * [[|"I am going to start calling people 'slingbabies' as an insult now."]] (page 3)
-  * [[|Thread covering]] both the slingbaby wank and the [[w/page/46372366/Vividcon%20and%20Ableism|VVC ableism wank]]: "My grudge is against the rhetoric emerging now that says adults-only spaces (so no kids allowed) or risk-taking spaces (so everyone knows that the warnings in this particular space are likely to be insufficient and/or the amount of triggery content high) are not acceptable. After all, male-only universities weren't acceptable either! Everyone should be comfortable and welcome everywhere! Separate-but-equal is wrong, and this is the same thing as segregation!" (page 5)+  * [[|Thread covering]] both the slingbaby wank and the [[vividcon-and-ableism|VVC ableism wank]]: "My grudge is against the rhetoric emerging now that says adults-only spaces (so no kids allowed) or risk-taking spaces (so everyone knows that the warnings in this particular space are likely to be insufficient and/or the amount of triggery content high) are not acceptable. After all, male-only universities weren't acceptable either! Everyone should be comfortable and welcome everywhere! Separate-but-equal is wrong, and this is the same thing as segregation!" (page 5)
vividcon-bans-babies.1630312714.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/30 08:38 by