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jaythenerdkid [2021/08/28 18:54] external edit
jaythenerdkid [2021/08/30 04:28] (current)
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 ====== Jaythenerdkid ====== ====== Jaythenerdkid ======
-[[|Jaythenerdkid]], who used to be “bewarethespork” on LiveJournal, caused some wank in meme’s earliest days by complaining about her “friends” there, with details that had been friends-locked on their journals, //and// anon-failing while doing so. After five years during which she was barely if ever discussed on meme, she resurfaced as a [[Winterfox,%20Pre-Outing|Winterfox]] defender.+[[|Jaythenerdkid]], who used to be “bewarethespork” on LiveJournal, caused some wank in meme’s earliest days by complaining about her “friends” there, with details that had been friends-locked on their journals, //and// anon-failing while doing so. After five years during which she was barely if ever discussed on meme, she resurfaced as a [[Winterfox-Pre-Outing|Winterfox]] defender.
 ===== Early-meme Jay wank ===== ===== Early-meme Jay wank =====
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   * //“[[|I wonder if the systematic misspelling of ‘Sriduangkaew’]] is intentional... That would be one way to get to the top of the Google search for at least some searches. Or maybe the level of ‘journalism’ in that article is just so low that they can’t even get the interviewee’s name correct.”//   * //“[[|I wonder if the systematic misspelling of ‘Sriduangkaew’]] is intentional... That would be one way to get to the top of the Google search for at least some searches. Or maybe the level of ‘journalism’ in that article is just so low that they can’t even get the interviewee’s name correct.”//
-Nonnies [[|are]] [[|fairly]] [[|certain]] that Jaythenerdkid is also [[w/page/100137537/%C3%89douard%20Bri%C3%A8re-Allard|“Édouard Brière-Allard,”]] author of a nearly 56,000-word defense of Winterfox. //“She’s trying to manipulate search results by creating and linking pages that say what she wants. I see that taking up reputation services taught her a thing or two; this is a shade more sophisticated than her old MO of furiously deleting everything.”//+Nonnies [[|are]] [[|fairly]] [[|certain]] that Jaythenerdkid is also [[edouard-briere-allard|“Édouard Brière-Allard,”]] author of a nearly 56,000-word defense of Winterfox. //“She’s trying to manipulate search results by creating and linking pages that say what she wants. I see that taking up reputation services taught her a thing or two; this is a shade more sophisticated than her old MO of furiously deleting everything.”//
-As for why the article was initially taken down, [[|a nonny notes]] that an apparent Sad Puppy in its comments //“complains about her libeling [[Lou%20Antonelli|Lou Antonelli]]. Maybe the site took the article down as a precaution to avoid a possible lawsuit.”// Another nonny replies, //“For someone who claims to be so down on the Puppies, she’s spent far more time ranting about the only non-Puppy nominee winning Best Fan Writer.”// Comments were disabled on the article after it reappeared, lending credence to the theory that the takedown was in response to the Puppy in the comments.+As for why the article was initially taken down, [[|a nonny notes]] that an apparent Sad Puppy in its comments //“complains about her libeling [[Lou-Antonelli|Lou Antonelli]]. Maybe the site took the article down as a precaution to avoid a possible lawsuit.”// Another nonny replies, //“For someone who claims to be so down on the Puppies, she’s spent far more time ranting about the only non-Puppy nominee winning Best Fan Writer.”// Comments were disabled on the article after it reappeared, lending credence to the theory that the takedown was in response to the Puppy in the comments.
-On the bright side, Jay inspired a nonny to [[Gunga%20Jay|wax poetic about her]].+On the bright side, Jay inspired a nonny to [[gunga-jay|wax poetic about her]].
jaythenerdkid.1630176871.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/28 18:54 by