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fucklibrary [2021/09/05 23:49]
nonnymousely [KINKTOMATOS in the Fucklibrary]
fucklibrary [2021/09/06 19:22] (current)
RedDeliciousApples added pic
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 +{{ :jonathan_wolstenholme_anthropomorphic_books.jpg?225|two of Jonathan Wolstenholme's anthropomorphic books}}======Fucklibrary======
 Fucklibrary (also "tweedfuck butt-stamp world", a la [[Dogfuck-Rapeworld|Dogfuck Rapeworld]]), is a homegrown meme kink scenario.  Fucklibrary (also "tweedfuck butt-stamp world", a la [[Dogfuck-Rapeworld|Dogfuck Rapeworld]]), is a homegrown meme kink scenario. 
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 ====KINKTOMATOS in the Fucklibrary==== ====KINKTOMATOS in the Fucklibrary====
-A few months later, a suspicion that OP nonny had reappeared was derailed into [[|over a hundred words]] of hashing out just what a fucklibrary might be. +A few months later, a suspicion that OP nonny had reappeared was derailed into [[|over a hundred words]] of hashing out just what a fucklibrary might be. And then it started appearing in the [[KINKTOMATO]] [[|thread]]...
 The original concept of a breeding library quickly morphed into something more surreal. Sometimes the "books" are human; other times they have literal pages, though it's not clear where. The human-form books may be  able to talk normally, or only recite the words of their story—or they may act that story out, instead.  The original concept of a breeding library quickly morphed into something more surreal. Sometimes the "books" are human; other times they have literal pages, though it's not clear where. The human-form books may be  able to talk normally, or only recite the words of their story—or they may act that story out, instead. 
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   * //[[|The Terror]]//, (m/m, a rare fandom fill)   * //[[|The Terror]]//, (m/m, a rare fandom fill)
-{{tag>todo}}+{{tag>todo nonnywork nonnywork:fic}}
fucklibrary.1630885748.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/05 23:49 by nonnymousely