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common-threads [2021/09/01 20:13]
common-threads [2021/09/07 20:09] (current)
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-====== Common Threads ======+====== Common Threads on Meme ======
- ====== Common Threads on the Meme ====== +Though Fail_FandomAnon is about fails and fandom, there are certain threads that pop up all the time, usually at least once a post. Which threads are common has, naturally, changed with the passage of time
- +
-Though Fail_FandomAnon is about fails and fandom, there are certain threads that pop up all the time, usually at least once a post.+
   * [[tywau|Things You Wouldn't Admit Unanon]]   * [[tywau|Things You Wouldn't Admit Unanon]]
   * Unpopular Opinions   * Unpopular Opinions
-  * Fandom/Non-fandom/Random Venting/+  * Fandom/Non-fandom/Random Venting
   * Foreign-language threads, especially by the [[Scandanonnies|Scandanonnies]]   * Foreign-language threads, especially by the [[Scandanonnies|Scandanonnies]]
-  * Things You'd Like to Say to Your F-List/to an F-Lister (a/k/a "Dear F-Lister" or "Dear Fandom Friend") 
   * Things Making You Sad/Happy/Annoyed Right Now   * Things Making You Sad/Happy/Annoyed Right Now
-  * Books threads+  * "Ask Me Anything" 
 +  * Meme Decides 
 +  * Iddy/id/idfic 
 +  * Meme's Top Threads Last Post 
 +==== General Topics ==== 
 +  * [[tumblr|Tumblr]] and Twitter wank threads (sometimes merged with Reddit Rubbernecking to form a consolidated Social Media thread) 
   * Cooking/food threads   * Cooking/food threads
   * Makeup/beauty threads   * Makeup/beauty threads
   * Sports threads   * Sports threads
-  * Current events threads +  * [[obserb-this-berb|Obserb This Berb]] 
-  * Various types of rec threads, especially Fic Recs (see also [[Academic|Academic]]) +  * Politics and Current Events threads (including UK Politics, which is forbidden outside that thread; US Politics, which is sometimes outright banished to its own post; and Moon Politics, which is a parody of all of the above) 
-  * [[|EFW]] threadsalthough some nonnies detest them + 
-  * "Ask Me Anything"+==== Single-Fandom Threads ==== 
 +Though which single-fandom threads will appear in a given post is highly variableseveral always will, and some achieve common thread status for months or years.  
 +==== Multifandom Threads ====  
 +  * AO3/[[OTW]] 
 +  * Canon Recs 
 +  * Fic Recs 
 +  * Small Fandoms 
 +  * WTF Tags 
 +==== Medium Discussion Threads ==== 
 +  * Anime & Manga 
 +  * Books 
 +  * Comics 
 +  * Cnovels 
 +  * Tabletop Gaming 
 +  * Video Games 
 +  * Visual Novels 
 +  * Webcomics/Webcomics & Webtoons  
 +==== Writing ==== 
 +  * "3-5 Lines (of something you've written)" 
 +  * [[100 Words]] 
 +  * Bangs Fests Exchanges (BFE)usually the longest thread in any given post   
 +  * Drawerfic Amnesty (somewhat less common than the rest, but still appears regularly)
   * Fic Research/Unfuck My Plot threads   * Fic Research/Unfuck My Plot threads
-  * [[tumblr|Tumblr]] wank threads +  * Memefic/Origfic discussion 
-  * Discussion threads for various genres and canons (anime, comics, movies, etc.) +  * Publishing 
-  * WIPs/"3-5 Lines (of something you've written)"/[[100 Words]]+  * [[smut-writers-support-group|Smut Writers' Support Group]] 
 +  * WIPs
 +==== End of Post Threads ====
 +These threads tend to pop up when the post approaches the comment limit (6500 as of this writing, formerly less).
 +  * [[|EFW]] threads, although some nonnies detest them
 +  * End of Post Random
 +  * Game threads (including Botticelli, Minister's Cat, etc)
 +  * Shipping Wall (and its evil twin, NOTP wall)
 +  * Threads You Want Next Post
 +  * MODS (alerting the mods that the comment limit has been reached--often several times) 
 +==== Formerly Common Threads ====
 +Some once-common threads have faded into obscurity... for now.
 +  * Things You'd Like to Say to Your F-List/to an F-Lister (a/k/a "Dear F-Lister" or "Dear Fandom Friend")
 +  * Reddit Rubbernecking (enjoyed a brief heyday before being merged into the Social Media thread)
 {{tag>todo threads}} {{tag>todo threads}}
common-threads.1630527209.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/01 20:13 by nonnymousely