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anne-jamison [2021/09/09 22:41]
nonnymousely Fixed italics.
anne-jamison [2021/09/09 22:41] (current)
Line 19: Line 19:
 [[|Downthread]], another nonny noted [[|this Jamison post]] about Caitlin Moran picking a random //Sherlock BBC// fic off AO3 and reading it in public. Nonny summarized Jamison's post as, //"'Hey, don't class me with those faceless fangirls, I'm a Big Name Speaker To Fans just like Caitlin Moran!' I read back through the rest of her Tumblr and thought 'Do I want to spend that much time with this person's thoughts on fandom? Nope.'"// [[|Downthread]], another nonny noted [[|this Jamison post]] about Caitlin Moran picking a random //Sherlock BBC// fic off AO3 and reading it in public. Nonny summarized Jamison's post as, //"'Hey, don't class me with those faceless fangirls, I'm a Big Name Speaker To Fans just like Caitlin Moran!' I read back through the rest of her Tumblr and thought 'Do I want to spend that much time with this person's thoughts on fandom? Nope.'"//
-[[|The next day]], a nonny started a [[|//Hollowstone//-style thread]] called //"Academics Talk About Fic - Meme Style!"//, in which nonnies would call out a random page number and the OP would quote a passage appearing on that page of //Fic//. This included such gems as [[|"The simple answer is, I didn’t choose the pony life; the pony life chose me"]] and:+[[|The next day]], a nonny started a //[[|Hollowstone]]//-style thread called //"Academics Talk About Fic - Meme Style!"//, in which nonnies would call out a random page number and the OP would quote a passage appearing on that page of //Fic//. This included such gems as [[|"The simple answer is, I didn’t choose the pony life; the pony life chose me"]] and:
 [[|Paradoxically,]] fanfiction, the cultural enterprise apparently dedicated to revisiting familiar ground, ends up leading us to new models of publishing, authorship, genre, gender . . . and to voyeuristic aliens who resemble lava lamps, vampire peaches, sex pollen, and an entire universe based on the structure of a canine penis. [[|Paradoxically,]] fanfiction, the cultural enterprise apparently dedicated to revisiting familiar ground, ends up leading us to new models of publishing, authorship, genre, gender . . . and to voyeuristic aliens who resemble lava lamps, vampire peaches, sex pollen, and an entire universe based on the structure of a canine penis.
anne-jamison.1631227277.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/09 22:41 by nonnymousely