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woobie-off-part-1 [2021/08/30 20:55]
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 ====== Woobie-Off Part 1 ====== ====== Woobie-Off Part 1 ======
-The Woobie-Off was a bracket-style voting tournament to determine FFA's woobiest woobie of all time. The tournament lasted almost two months from inception to conclusion and led to passionate woobie campaigning, discussions, debates, and the occasional wank. Nonnies [[|shared]] [[|their]] [[|differing]] [[|opinions]] [[|on]] definitions and types of woobies. This is Part 1 of the wiki entry; [[woobie-off-part-2|see Part 2 here]], and [[w/page/98627851/woobie-off-vanyel|read about the winning campaign here]].+The Woobie-Off was a bracket-style voting tournament to determine FFA's woobiest woobie of all time. The tournament lasted almost two months from inception to conclusion and led to passionate woobie campaigning, discussions, debates, and the occasional wank. Nonnies [[|shared]] [[|their]] [[|differing]] [[|opinions]] [[|on]] definitions and types of woobies. This is Part 1 of the wiki entry; [[woobie-off-part-2|see Part 2 here]], and [[woobie-off-vanyel|read about the winning campaign here]].
 **Nominations** **Nominations**
woobie-off-part-1.1630356946.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/30 20:55 by nonnymousely