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Warning: Undefined array key -1 in /home/public/inc/html.php on line 1458


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white-penis-meets-another-white-penis [2021/08/28 18:54] external edit
white-penis-meets-another-white-penis [2021/09/01 11:28] (current)
RedDeliciousApples changed pic size
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 ====== When a White Penis Meets Another White Penis ====== ====== When a White Penis Meets Another White Penis ======
-{{|sketch of two very hairy penises frotting}}+{{ :white-penii-meet.jpg?300|Sketch of two very hairy penises frotting}}
 **Nov. 8, 2015:** After [[|a heated wank]] about Uhura fans vs. Kirk/Spock fans, a nonny [[|observed]]: **Nov. 8, 2015:** After [[|a heated wank]] about Uhura fans vs. Kirk/Spock fans, a nonny [[|observed]]:
Line 13: Line 13:
 //There is a pair of white cocks at stake, and their needs must be met."// //There is a pair of white cocks at stake, and their needs must be met."//
-This should not be confused with [[w/page/86076841/Dick%20Booping|Dick Booping]].+This should not be confused with [[dick-booping|Dick Booping]].
-{{tag>todo nonnywork nonnywork:deep_thoughts}}+{{tag>nonnywork nonnywork:deep-thoughts}}
white-penis-meets-another-white-penis.1630176871.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2021/08/28 18:54 by