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the-omega-song [2021/08/30 07:48]
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 ====== The Omega Song ====== ====== The Omega Song ======
-**August 25, 2014:** Riffing off the [[Common-Threads|common threads]] in which people try to find fic betas, a nonny started [[|an //"Omega thread… For finding omegas."//]] This inspired [[|a parody of "The Piña Colada Song"]]:+**August 25, 2014:** Riffing off the [[Common-Threads|common threads]] in which people try to find fic betas, a nonny started an //[[|an "Omega thread… For finding omegas."]]// This inspired [[|a parody of "The Piña Colada Song"]]:
 If you like going into heat and getting stuck on my knot If you like going into heat and getting stuck on my knot
the-omega-song.1630309693.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/30 07:48 by nonnymousely