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slacktiverse [2021/08/30 06:49]
slacktiverse [2021/09/05 21:12] (current)
anddiamssemicolon updated ana mardoll pronouns
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 In one f_fa thread, titled //[[|"Slactiverse reaches Shakesvillian heights,"]]// a nonny links to [[|this OP]], which warns people, //"Warning: Most stories that are legally available online were written at a time when racist and sexist attitudes/words were common."// Another member of the Slacktiverse [[|once complained]] that the phrase "Pay attention!" is "ableist" against people with ADHD (discussion [[|here]]). In [[|this thread]], Gentlefailers talk about [[|the longstanding Slacktiverse trigger warning for "transhumanism."]] In one f_fa thread, titled //[[|"Slactiverse reaches Shakesvillian heights,"]]// a nonny links to [[|this OP]], which warns people, //"Warning: Most stories that are legally available online were written at a time when racist and sexist attitudes/words were common."// Another member of the Slacktiverse [[|once complained]] that the phrase "Pay attention!" is "ableist" against people with ADHD (discussion [[|here]]). In [[|this thread]], Gentlefailers talk about [[|the longstanding Slacktiverse trigger warning for "transhumanism."]]
-Gentlefailers have also snarked Slacktiverse regular [[Ana-Mardoll|Ana Mardoll]], who has mused on her own blog [[|whether expressions like "the pot calling the kettle black" are racist]] ([[|f_fa thread]]) and who once [[|posted an overwrought "community note"]] about how she expects her discussions of phenomena like the //Twilight// books to be "activist discussions" ([[|f_fa thread]]).+Gentlefailers have also snarked Slacktiverse regular [[Ana-Mardoll|Ana Mardoll]], who has mused on his own blog [[|whether expressions like "the pot calling the kettle black" are racist]] ([[|f_fa thread]]) and who once [[|posted an overwrought "community note"]] about how he expects his discussions of phenomena like the //Twilight// books to be "activist discussions" ([[|f_fa thread]]).
 The Slacktiverse was run by a group called The Board Administration Team, or TBAT. This group consisted of three SJW moderators: Hapax, Mmy, and British fantasy novelist [[|Kit Whitfield]]. Whitfield's //[[|"long academic diatribe about the concept of 'death of the author'"]]// on the Slacktiverse has been [[|dissected on f_fa]]. The Slacktiverse was run by a group called The Board Administration Team, or TBAT. This group consisted of three SJW moderators: Hapax, Mmy, and British fantasy novelist [[|Kit Whitfield]]. Whitfield's //[[|"long academic diatribe about the concept of 'death of the author'"]]// on the Slacktiverse has been [[|dissected on f_fa]].
slacktiverse.1630306173.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/30 06:49 by nonnymousely