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neo-prodigy [2021/08/28 18:54] external edit
neo-prodigy [2021/08/30 06:09] (current)
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   * sf_drama has covered Neo a number of times; [[|here are]] [[|two posts]]. [[|This FFA thread]] details Neo's reaction to the first sf_d post, which is of course to call all participants in that thread "bigoted white women."   * sf_drama has covered Neo a number of times; [[|here are]] [[|two posts]]. [[|This FFA thread]] details Neo's reaction to the first sf_d post, which is of course to call all participants in that thread "bigoted white women."
   * [[|Unfunny Fandom]] discusses Neo's slut-shaming misogyny, particularly in //Hollowstone//. ([[|FFA discussion.]])   * [[|Unfunny Fandom]] discusses Neo's slut-shaming misogyny, particularly in //Hollowstone//. ([[|FFA discussion.]])
-  * //"[[|Who's creepier?]] Neo_Prodigy or [[w/page/48206789/W!ll%20Sh3tt3rly|W!ll Sh3tt3rly]]?"// +  * //"[[|Who's creepier?]] Neo_Prodigy or [[wll-sh3tt3rly|W!ll Sh3tt3rly]]?"// 
-  * Neo claimed on both [[|foc_u]] and and [[|Ars Marginal]] that everybody criticizing [[w/page/50911523/Riley|Riley]]'s extremely suspicious Arkh Project is a cis white straight person trying to shut it down. (FFA [[|discusses the foc_u post]].)+  * Neo claimed on both [[|foc_u]] and and [[|Ars Marginal]] that everybody criticizing [[Riley]]'s extremely suspicious Arkh Project is a cis white straight person trying to shut it down. (FFA [[|discusses the foc_u post]].)
   * [[|Here]], a nonny links to [[|some Neo spew]] on //"the myth of black homophobia,"// in which he manages to blame white women for everything once again, while typically erasing the participation of people other than str8 white bitchez in slash writing.   * [[|Here]], a nonny links to [[|some Neo spew]] on //"the myth of black homophobia,"// in which he manages to blame white women for everything once again, while typically erasing the participation of people other than str8 white bitchez in slash writing.
   * A nonnie [[|imitates Neo's writing style]]: //I took my giant gun out of my pocket and shot the monster. It fell dead on the floor, "Oh, ew! I don't want to clean that up!" squeaked Cathy. I do all the hard work and the bimbo doesn't even want to help.//   * A nonnie [[|imitates Neo's writing style]]: //I took my giant gun out of my pocket and shot the monster. It fell dead on the floor, "Oh, ew! I don't want to clean that up!" squeaked Cathy. I do all the hard work and the bimbo doesn't even want to help.//
neo-prodigy.1630176871.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/28 18:54 by