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lou-antonelli [2021/08/28 18:54] external edit
lou-antonelli [2021/08/30 05:16] (current)
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 ====== Lou Antonelli ====== ====== Lou Antonelli ======
-[[|Louis "Lou" Antonelli]] is a journalist and prolific writer of short genre fiction. He is primarily known to meme through his involvement in a fandom controversy called the [[w/page/95875079/Hugopocalypse|Hugopocalypse]]. In 2015, a few right-wing authors and editors selected slates of works for their fans to nominate for the Hugo Awards; because the other voters spread their nominations over a much wider range of works, the slate works wound up dominating the ballot. Two of Antonelli's works were on the slates and consequently reached the final Hugo ballot: "On A Spiritual Plane," a short story, and "Letters from Gardner," a collection of essays which was nominated for Best Related Work.+[[|Louis "Lou" Antonelli]] is a journalist and prolific writer of short genre fiction. He is primarily known to meme through his involvement in a fandom controversy called the [[Hugopocalypse]]. In 2015, a few right-wing authors and editors selected slates of works for their fans to nominate for the Hugo Awards; because the other voters spread their nominations over a much wider range of works, the slate works wound up dominating the ballot. Two of Antonelli's works were on the slates and consequently reached the final Hugo ballot: "On A Spiritual Plane," a short story, and "Letters from Gardner," a collection of essays which was nominated for Best Related Work.
-Unlike other slate nominees such as [[w/page/98902486/Tom%20Kratman|Tom Kratman]] and [[w/page/94780361/John%20C%20Wright|John C. Wright]], meme didn't have much bad to say about Antonelli's writing. His behavior, however, was quite another matter. As fandom discussions over the slates heated up, he revealed a hair-trigger temper that blew up several times in spectacular fashion.+Unlike other slate nominees such as [[tom-kratman|Tom Kratman]] and [[john-c-wright|John C. Wright]], meme didn't have much bad to say about Antonelli's writing. His behavior, however, was quite another matter. As fandom discussions over the slates heated up, he revealed a hair-trigger temper that blew up several times in spectacular fashion.
 In the distant past of 2012, Antonelli ran for a board position in SFWA, the guild for science fiction and fantasy writers. He used the phrase 'canine-Americans' to describe his dogs when he [[|posted]] his platform. When author Nisi Shawl objected, Antonelli castigated her for being too 'PC'. Antonelli did eventually apologize, and Shawl [[|accepted]]. (Jim Hines summarized these events [[|here]]). In the distant past of 2012, Antonelli ran for a board position in SFWA, the guild for science fiction and fantasy writers. He used the phrase 'canine-Americans' to describe his dogs when he [[|posted]] his platform. When author Nisi Shawl objected, Antonelli castigated her for being too 'PC'. Antonelli did eventually apologize, and Shawl [[|accepted]]. (Jim Hines summarized these events [[|here]]).
-Antonelli first came to meme's attention in 2015 when he got in an [[|argument]] with [[w/page/98830596/Deirdre%20Saoirse%20Moen|Deirdre Saoirse Moen]], who had advocated voting all the slate nominees below No Award on the Hugo ballot, irrespective of their quality. Her view was that the slates were inherently unethical and it would be wrong to reward any slate candidates with a Hugo even if their work was good. Antonelli protested, which resulted in DSM kicking him off her blog. Antonelli retreated to his own blog and [[|said]], "Apparently 'Deirdre Saoirse Moen' is Gaelic for 'Not all the Nazis are in Germany.'"+Antonelli first came to meme's attention in 2015 when he got in an [[|argument]] with [[deirdre-saoirse-moen|Deirdre Saoirse Moen]], who had advocated voting all the slate nominees below No Award on the Hugo ballot, irrespective of their quality. Her view was that the slates were inherently unethical and it would be wrong to reward any slate candidates with a Hugo even if their work was good. Antonelli protested, which resulted in DSM kicking him off her blog. Antonelli retreated to his own blog and [[|said]], "Apparently 'Deirdre Saoirse Moen' is Gaelic for 'Not all the Nazis are in Germany.'"
 Meme [[|saw]] this, as did [[|commenters]] on File770, which was running a series of Hugo link roundup posts. One such commenter named Aaron Pound [[|filled in]] a few more details. It appeared that Aaron tweeted that Antonelli was an 'asshole' in response to his Godwin, and Antonelli in turn sent a threatening letter to his work email (which Aaron later [[|reproduced]] on his blog), and also //called up his boss// to try to get Aaron fired. Meme [[|saw]] this, as did [[|commenters]] on File770, which was running a series of Hugo link roundup posts. One such commenter named Aaron Pound [[|filled in]] a few more details. It appeared that Aaron tweeted that Antonelli was an 'asshole' in response to his Godwin, and Antonelli in turn sent a threatening letter to his work email (which Aaron later [[|reproduced]] on his blog), and also //called up his boss// to try to get Aaron fired.
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 Meme [[|noted]] that there might have been anti-Puppy people there who just didn't say anything to Antonelli out of manners, and also that attendance at his panels never exceeded 25 people (by his own admission), so he might not have talked to a representative sample of genre fiction fans. Meme [[|noted]] that there might have been anti-Puppy people there who just didn't say anything to Antonelli out of manners, and also that attendance at his panels never exceeded 25 people (by his own admission), so he might not have talked to a representative sample of genre fiction fans.
-Despite a subsequent [[|plea]] ([[|seen]] by meme) for everyone to respect the Hugos, Antonelli again caught meme's attention with his Hugo-related stupidity a few weeks later. On a [[|livestream]] for the superversive sci fi show, Antonelli told the other panelists that, should No Award win, the Puppies should sue Tor for Exaction on the basis that Tor's anti-Puppy campaigning had caused the Puppy novels to lose and thus cost the authors the money they would have made off of a Hugo win. He later [[|reiterated]] this claim on his blog. This is, of course, legally incoherent, and meme [[|laughed]] about it. Even [[w/page/94780361/John%20C%20Wright|John C. Wright]], another Puppy on the podcast, responded that this wouldn't work; he pointed out that the Puppies have been saying that the Hugos are worthless, so they don't really have grounds to assert that not getting one is damaging.+Despite a subsequent [[|plea]] ([[|seen]] by meme) for everyone to respect the Hugos, Antonelli again caught meme's attention with his Hugo-related stupidity a few weeks later. On a [[|livestream]] for the superversive sci fi show, Antonelli told the other panelists that, should No Award win, the Puppies should sue Tor for Exaction on the basis that Tor's anti-Puppy campaigning had caused the Puppy novels to lose and thus cost the authors the money they would have made off of a Hugo win. He later [[|reiterated]] this claim on his blog. This is, of course, legally incoherent, and meme [[|laughed]] about it. Even [[john-c-wright|John C. Wright]], another Puppy on the podcast, responded that this wouldn't work; he pointed out that the Puppies have been saying that the Hugos are worthless, so they don't really have grounds to assert that not getting one is damaging.
 But that wasn't the big thing. Antonelli also said in that podcast that he had contacted the Spokane police and warned them that David Gerrold, the Worldcon Guest of Honor who would be conducting the Hugo Award Ceremony along with Tananarive Due, was dangerous and might instigate violence against the Puppies. His basis for this was that Gerrold had said some mean things about the Puppies on his facebook. Jim C. Hines [[|provided]] a transcript of the relavant portion of the superversive livestream: But that wasn't the big thing. Antonelli also said in that podcast that he had contacted the Spokane police and warned them that David Gerrold, the Worldcon Guest of Honor who would be conducting the Hugo Award Ceremony along with Tananarive Due, was dangerous and might instigate violence against the Puppies. His basis for this was that Gerrold had said some mean things about the Puppies on his facebook. Jim C. Hines [[|provided]] a transcript of the relavant portion of the superversive livestream:
lou-antonelli.1630176871.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/28 18:54 by