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lets-read-nonny [2021/08/28 18:54] external edit
lets-read-nonny [2021/08/30 05:27] (current)
nonnymousely Arguably Space Marine is not exactly terrible. Definitely Winterfox is still a redlink but...
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 ====== Let's Read Nonny ====== ====== Let's Read Nonny ======
-There are several nonnies who have offered to host [[w/page/95137316/Lets%20Reads|"read alongs" of some terrible fiction for meme's entertainment]]. In the wake of [[w/page/95875079/Hugopocalypse|Hugopocalypse]], one nonny in particular has picked up the baton and run with it, regaling meme with such gems as [[w/page/94780361/John%20C%20Wright|John C Wright]] and [[w/page/81478085/Vox%20Day|Vox Day]]'s "Hugo-nominated" fiction. Most of meme is of the opinion that Let's Read Nonny deserves a very large drink or other intoxicating substance of their choice, and would be happy to buy it for them, were there not issues of anonymity and internet between them.+There are several nonnies who have offered to host "read alongs" of some terrible fiction for meme's entertainment. In the wake of [[Hugopocalypse]], one nonny in particular has picked up the baton and run with it, regaling meme with such gems as [[john-c-wright|John C Wright]] and [[vox-day|Vox Day]]'s "Hugo-nominated" fiction. Most of meme is of the opinion that Let's Read Nonny deserves a very large drink or other intoxicating substance of their choice, and would be happy to buy it for them, were there not issues of anonymity and internet between them.
 Let's Read Nonny has so far tortured meme with shared with meme passages from: Let's Read Nonny has so far tortured meme with shared with meme passages from:
-  * //[[|Scale Bright]]// by Benjanun Sriduangkaew aka [[w/page/46349159/Winterfox|Winterfox]] +  * //[[|Scale Bright]]// by Benjanun Sriduangkaew aka [[Winterfox]] 
-  * //Hugo-nominated!!// novella "[[|One Bright Star to Guide Them]]" by [[w/page/94780361/John%20C%20Wright|John C Wright]]+  * //Hugo-nominated!!// novella "[[|One Bright Star to Guide Them]]" by [[john-c-wright|John C Wright]]
   * //Hugo-nominated!!// "[[|Transhuman and Subhuman]]," a collection of essays by JCW (which [[|continued in the next post]])   * //Hugo-nominated!!// "[[|Transhuman and Subhuman]]," a collection of essays by JCW (which [[|continued in the next post]])
-  * //[[|The Last Witchking]]// by [[w/page/81478085/Vox%20Day|Vox Day]]+  * //[[|The Last Witchking]]// by [[vox-day|Vox Day]]
   * //[[|Arts of Dark and Light]]// by VD   * //[[|Arts of Dark and Light]]// by VD
-  * //[[|Caliphate]]// by Tom Kratman which [[|crossed over to the next post]] +  * //[[|Caliphate]]// by [[tom-kratman|Tom Kratman]] which [[|crossed over to the next post]] 
- +  * Ian Watson's //[[|Space Marine]]//, the first and most batshit Warhammer 40k novel. 
 +  * [[|The Pearl Christmas Annual 1881]], aka Victorian Christmas Porn.
 {{tag>todo people people:nonnies}} {{tag>todo people people:nonnies}}
lets-read-nonny.1630176871.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/28 18:54 by