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john-boehner-resigned [2021/10/13 07:21]
nonnymousely [The Magical Night John Boehner Resigned]
john-boehner-resigned [2021/10/13 07:22] (current)
nonnymousely [The Meme Thereafter]
Line 227: Line 227:
 "John Boehner resigned" has become a meme meme, often typed in response to several nonnies providing the same information in rapid succession.  "John Boehner resigned" has become a meme meme, often typed in response to several nonnies providing the same information in rapid succession. 
-The event itself is sometimes referred to as IOANNES ERECTIO, for the Latin subthread+The event itself is sometimes referred to as IOANNES ERECTIO, for the Latin thread
 {{tag>todo jargon jargon:memes}} {{tag>todo jargon jargon:memes}}
john-boehner-resigned.1634109674.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2021/10/13 07:21 by nonnymousely