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hugopocalypse [2021/08/29 17:35] external edit
hugopocalypse [2021/08/30 05:59] (current)
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 //Long story very, very short, two overlapping groups of reactionary assholes calling themselves the Sad and Rabid Puppies, respectively, are angry that the genre awards have been entirely taken over, in their minds, by progressive "message fiction" about Marxist lesbian unicorns goring racists in space. So they got together and decided to all nominate exactly the same things this year.// //Long story very, very short, two overlapping groups of reactionary assholes calling themselves the Sad and Rabid Puppies, respectively, are angry that the genre awards have been entirely taken over, in their minds, by progressive "message fiction" about Marxist lesbian unicorns goring racists in space. So they got together and decided to all nominate exactly the same things this year.//
-//Since nominations usually run on a few hundred people independently selecting their favorites from the vast array of material published in a given year, the Puppy picks pushed everything else off the ballot. Included are a gazillion nominations for the vanity press of one of the guys running the slates and six nominations for [[w/page/94780361/John%20C%20Wright|John C Wright]] of "phallic idol of sodomy" notoriety.//+//Since nominations usually run on a few hundred people independently selecting their favorites from the vast array of material published in a given year, the Puppy picks pushed everything else off the ballot. Included are a gazillion nominations for the vanity press of one of the guys running the slates and six nominations for [[john-c-wright|John C Wright]] of "phallic idol of sodomy" notoriety.//
 //This pissed some people off, and both sides have been yelling at each other since.// //This pissed some people off, and both sides have been yelling at each other since.//
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 On Apr. 4, 2015, [[|a nonnie started a thread in post #178]] to discuss the Hugo nominations that were to be released that day: On Apr. 4, 2015, [[|a nonnie started a thread in post #178]] to discuss the Hugo nominations that were to be released that day:
-//Worldcon is going to start releasing the Hugo Ballot in about twenty minutes. Will Mixon's report on [[w/page/46349159/Winterfox|Winterfox]] make the cut? Will the Sad Puppies sweep the ballot? Will wank commence? (Okay, I think we already know the answer to that one).//+//Worldcon is going to start releasing the Hugo Ballot in about twenty minutes. Will Mixon's report on [[Winterfox]] make the cut? Will the Sad Puppies sweep the ballot? Will wank commence? (Okay, I think we already know the answer to that one).//
-Meme's original interest was in whether Laura Mixon's report on serial SF/F abuser, blackmailer, and troll [[w/page/46349159/Winterfox|Winterfox]] would garner a nomination (and whether meme would be nominated — [[|we weren't]]). But when the [[|full list was announced]], meme turned its attention to the Sad & Rabid puppies slates, which [[|dominated]] the nominations:+Meme's original interest was in whether Laura Mixon's report on serial SF/F abuser, blackmailer, and troll [[Winterfox]] would garner a nomination (and whether meme would be nominated — [[|we weren't]]). But when the [[|full list was announced]], meme turned its attention to the Sad & Rabid puppies slates, which [[|dominated]] the nominations:
-//[[|Logrolling Puppies took over the short and editor categories]]. White supremacist and general waste of oxygen [[w/page/81478085/Vox%20Day|Vox Day]] was nominated for best editor TWICE. Foaming homophobe and general waste of oxygen [[w/page/94780361/John%20C%20Wright|John [C.] Wright]] was nominated six times, three times in the same category!//+//[[|Logrolling Puppies took over the short and editor categories]]. White supremacist and general waste of oxygen [[vox-day|Vox Day]] was nominated for best editor TWICE. Foaming homophobe and general waste of oxygen [[john-c-wright|John [C.] Wright]] was nominated six times, three times in the same category!//
 Because the Hugo Awards are a pretty big deal in sf/f fandom, and because fail_fandomanon is about, well, fail in fandom, meme has had numerous conversations about the Unhousebroken Puppies (and this list is by no means complete): Because the Hugo Awards are a pretty big deal in sf/f fandom, and because fail_fandomanon is about, well, fail in fandom, meme has had numerous conversations about the Unhousebroken Puppies (and this list is by no means complete):
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 **Leaders** **Leaders**
-  * [[w/page/99070631/Larry%20Correia|Larry Correia]] : Led the Puppy efforts in 2013 (which failed) and 2014 (which got a few works on the ballot, including one of Correia's, which finished in 5th place in its category). Had one novel on the 2015 Sad Puppies slate, Monster Hunter Nemesis. It made the ballot, but he voluntarily [[|withdrew it]] to convince people that the Puppies were more than just a movement to get him personally a Hugo Award (as some, such as John Scalzi, had claimed). +  * [[Larry-Correia|Larry Correia]] : Led the Puppy efforts in 2013 (which failed) and 2014 (which got a few works on the ballot, including one of Correia's, which finished in 5th place in its category). Had one novel on the 2015 Sad Puppies slate, Monster Hunter Nemesis. It made the ballot, but he voluntarily [[|withdrew it]] to convince people that the Puppies were more than just a movement to get him personally a Hugo Award (as some, such as John Scalzi, had claimed). 
-  * [[w/page/98952121/Brad%20Torgersen|Brad Torgersen]]: Led the Puppy efforts in 2015, mostly by [[|compiling the slate]] (in consultation with a few other Puppies). He was not himself on either the Sad or Rabid Puppy ballots in 2015, but was on the Sad Puppy ballot in 2014. +  * [[Brad-Torgersen|Brad Torgersen]]: Led the Puppy efforts in 2015, mostly by [[|compiling the slate]] (in consultation with a few other Puppies). He was not himself on either the Sad or Rabid Puppy ballots in 2015, but was on the Sad Puppy ballot in 2014. 
-  * [[w/page/81478085/Vox%20Day|Vox Day]]: In charge of the Rabid Puppy efforts of 2015, and [[|compiled their slate]]. He was on the Rabid Puppy ballot twice, for both short-form and long-form editor. Additionally, 4 of the novella nominations, 1 of the novelette nominations, and 2 of the related work nominations were from his publishing imprint Castalia House. In 2014, he got a novelette onto the ballot, but it finished in 6th place (behind No Award).+  * [[vox-day|Vox Day]]: In charge of the Rabid Puppy efforts of 2015, and [[|compiled their slate]]. He was on the Rabid Puppy ballot twice, for both short-form and long-form editor. Additionally, 4 of the novella nominations, 1 of the novelette nominations, and 2 of the related work nominations were from his publishing imprint Castalia House. In 2014, he got a novelette onto the ballot, but it finished in 6th place (behind No Award).
   * Kate Paulk: Currently slated to be in charge of Sad Puppies 4 in 2016.   * Kate Paulk: Currently slated to be in charge of Sad Puppies 4 in 2016.
 **Other Notable Nominees** **Other Notable Nominees**
-  * [[w/page/94780361/John%20C%20Wright|John C. Wright]]: The most prestigious of the non-leader Puppies. The Sad Puppies 2015 slate had 2 of his works, a novella and a related work. The Rabid Puppies slate had 6 works by him: 3 novellas total, a novelette, a short story, and a related work. All of them initially made the Hugo ballot, which set a new record for total listings on the Hugo ballot by one author in one year. However, his novelette "Yes, Virginia, There Is A Santa Claus" was ruled ineligible because it was posted just before the 2014 eligibility period, and was removed from the ballot. He still had 5 works on the list, which tied for the record with Seanen McGuire. +  * [[john-c-wright|John C. Wright]]: The most prestigious of the non-leader Puppies. The Sad Puppies 2015 slate had 2 of his works, a novella and a related work. The Rabid Puppies slate had 6 works by him: 3 novellas total, a novelette, a short story, and a related work. All of them initially made the Hugo ballot, which set a new record for total listings on the Hugo ballot by one author in one year. However, his novelette "Yes, Virginia, There Is A Santa Claus" was ruled ineligible because it was posted just before the 2014 eligibility period, and was removed from the ballot. He still had 5 works on the list, which tied for the record with Seanen McGuire. 
-  * [[w/page/98902486/Tom%20Kratman|Tom Kratman]]: One nomination (for Best Novella) on both the Sad and Rabid Puppies ballots in 2015.  +  * [[tom-kratman|Tom Kratman]]: One nomination (for Best Novella) on both the Sad and Rabid Puppies ballots in 2015.  
-  * [[w/page/98923156/Michael%20Z%20Williamson|Michael Z. Williamson]]: One nomination (Best Related Work) on both Sad and Rabid Puppy slates in 2015. His 'work', 'Wisdom from my Internet', was a collection of tweets with nothing whatsoever to do with genre fiction. Williamson later revealed that it got on the slate because Torgerson called him one day and asked what he had written that year (and was thus eligible for a Hugo) and 'Wisdom' was the work that Williamson happened to remember. +  * [[michael-z-williamson|Michael Z. Williamson]]: One nomination (Best Related Work) on both Sad and Rabid Puppy slates in 2015. His 'work', 'Wisdom from my Internet', was a collection of tweets with nothing whatsoever to do with genre fiction. Williamson later revealed that it got on the slate because Torgerson called him one day and asked what he had written that year (and was thus eligible for a Hugo) and 'Wisdom' was the work that Williamson happened to remember. 
-  * [[w/page/98928401/Lou%20Antonelli|Lou Antonelli]]. Two nominations on both slates in 2015. One was for Best Short Story, and the other was for Best Related Work. Antonelli talked a lot about how he went to conventions and bumped into many people who were pro Puppy, and therefore the Puppies had more support than their minimal presence in online fandom showed. He later became infamous for writing the Spokane police and warning that the Hugo Guest of Honor David Gerrold might incite anti-Puppy violence.+  * [[Lou-Antonelli|Lou Antonelli]]. Two nominations on both slates in 2015. One was for Best Short Story, and the other was for Best Related Work. Antonelli talked a lot about how he went to conventions and bumped into many people who were pro Puppy, and therefore the Puppies had more support than their minimal presence in online fandom showed. He later became infamous for writing the Spokane police and warning that the Hugo Guest of Honor David Gerrold might incite anti-Puppy violence.
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hugopocalypse.1630258536.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/29 17:35 by