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elfyourmother [2021/08/28 18:54] external edit
elfyourmother [2021/09/03 00:32] (current)
RedDeliciousApples edited 1st paragraph to include link to dragon-age-wank
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 ====== Elfyourmother ====== ====== Elfyourmother ======
-[[|Elfyourmother]] is a Tumblr user in her mid-30s with Very Strong Opinions on SJ in //Dragon Age// and its fandom. As her [[|About page]] says, she used to be Kylenne on JournalFen, and previously on Tumblr she was CommanderBishoujo. She is also [[|an "otherkin"]]: +[[|Elfyourmother]] is a Tumblr user in her late 30s or early 40s who is deep into [[dragon-age-wank|Dragon Age wank]], as she has Very Strong Opinions on SJ in that video game and its fandom. As her [[|About page]] says, she used to be Kylenne on JournalFen, and previously on Tumblr she was CommanderBishoujo. She is also [[|an "otherkin"]]: 
-I actually do ID as otherkin, and I’m not white, but the reason I don’t really talk about it is because pretty much all of the loudly public ones are saltine assed white people of the sort I want to slap a whole lot.+I actually do ID as otherkin, and I’m not white, but the reason I don’t really talk about it is because pretty much all of the loudly public ones are saltine assed white people of the sort I want to slap a whole lot.
 She first appeared on FFA in [[|late June 2014]], in a thread titled //"Dragon Age Inquisition: How DARE a gay man write a gay man."// DA character Dorian Pavus had recently been confirmed as gay, which provoked cries of //"racism, bi erasure, and general homophobia"// from Tumblr, including [[|EYM]]: She first appeared on FFA in [[|late June 2014]], in a thread titled //"Dragon Age Inquisition: How DARE a gay man write a gay man."// DA character Dorian Pavus had recently been confirmed as gay, which provoked cries of //"racism, bi erasure, and general homophobia"// from Tumblr, including [[|EYM]]:
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 "Fully gay" tells you everything you need to know about dg’s attitudes toward bisexual people //[note: "dg" is// DA //lead writer David Gaider, who is himself gay]// "Fully gay" tells you everything you need to know about dg’s attitudes toward bisexual people //[note: "dg" is// DA //lead writer David Gaider, who is himself gay]//
-these continual fuckups by him (and other writers/staff) aren’t “slips”, they are the mentality of someone steeped neck deep in societal bigotry toward bisexuals +these continual fuckups by him (and other writers/staff) aren’t “slips”, they are the mentality of someone steeped neck deep in societal bigotry toward bisexuals 
- + 
-how many times do they have to say bisexuality is not a legitimate orientation but merely some kind of grey area “compromise” between straight and gay before y’all stop making excuses for them? +how many times do they have to say bisexuality is not a legitimate orientation but merely some kind of grey area “compromise” between straight and gay before y’all stop making excuses for them? 
- + 
-that’s why I can’t celebrate this as some win +that’s why I can’t celebrate this as some win 
- + 
-that’s why I’m side eyeing anyone who does +that’s why I’m side eyeing anyone who does 
- + 
-and if you need to unfollow me because of that, well, it’s alright. I’m not getting any less militant as I get older.+and if you need to unfollow me because of that, well, it’s alright. I’m not getting any less militant as I get older.
 Some nonnies [[|disputed]] whether EYM's post was all that bad, as //"'Fully gay' does seem like iffy phrasing,"// and stated that Dorian's inspiration Freddie Mercury was actually bisexual, which has often been erased. Others disagreed on the first subject, and [[|other]] [[|nonnies]] state that //"No one at BioWare has ever mentioned Freddie Mercury in connection to this character."// Because Dorian has dark hair and a mustache, it is likely that some fans are simply headcanoning him as having been inspired by Mercury. [[|His race]] was also discussed in depth. Some nonnies [[|disputed]] whether EYM's post was all that bad, as //"'Fully gay' does seem like iffy phrasing,"// and stated that Dorian's inspiration Freddie Mercury was actually bisexual, which has often been erased. Others disagreed on the first subject, and [[|other]] [[|nonnies]] state that //"No one at BioWare has ever mentioned Freddie Mercury in connection to this character."// Because Dorian has dark hair and a mustache, it is likely that some fans are simply headcanoning him as having been inspired by Mercury. [[|His race]] was also discussed in depth.
-EYM next came up on meme [[|at the end of November]] in a Fandom Venting thread. Channeling her, a nonny wrote, //"Ughhh I can't stop hate reading DA tumblr fandom. Meme, were you aware that Dorian's storyline in// DA:I //is racist, homophobic trash and that his writer, as a white man, is appropriating the experiences of gay men of color by writing him? Were you further aware that the Inquisition is a fascist, evil, white supremacist, palette swapped Venitori?"//+EYM next came up on meme [[|at the end of November 2014]] in a Fandom Venting thread. Channeling her, a nonny wrote, //"Ughhh I can't stop hate reading DA tumblr fandom. Meme, were you aware that Dorian's storyline in// DA:I //is racist, homophobic trash and that his writer, as a white man, is appropriating the experiences of gay men of color by writing him? Were you further aware that the Inquisition is a fascist, evil, white supremacist, palette swapped Venitori?"//
 A few days later, EYM [[|called the character Cullen]] "a murdering racist piece of shit whose crimes were covered up and shoved under the table in universe and out." A nonny [[|disputed this headcanon]] (spoilers). The next day, EYM [[|was mentioned again]] in the same context. A few days later, EYM [[|called the character Cullen]] "a murdering racist piece of shit whose crimes were covered up and shoved under the table in universe and out." A nonny [[|disputed this headcanon]] (spoilers). The next day, EYM [[|was mentioned again]] in the same context.
-On Dec. 6 in a "Fandom Hateboner" thread, [[|one nonny]] ranted about certain assumptions made by SJ //DA// fans, such as that //"no white woman had any business writing Vivienne,"// BioWare is //"gaslighting"// fans by giving Cullen a redemption arc instead of writing him off as problematic trash, and elves are PoC despite the devs saying that their closest analogues are medieval Jews, with a bit of Canadian First Nations. EYM is not directly quoted as making these arguments, but she is mentioned as a prime example of a fan who propagates them.+On Dec. 6, 2014 in a "Fandom Hateboner" thread, [[|one nonny]] ranted about certain assumptions made by SJ //DA// fans, such as that //"no white woman had any business writing Vivienne,"// BioWare is //"gaslighting"// fans by giving Cullen a redemption arc instead of writing him off as problematic trash, and elves are PoC despite the devs saying that their closest analogues are medieval Jews, with a bit of Canadian First Nations. EYM is not directly quoted as making these arguments, but she is mentioned as a prime example of a fan who propagates them.
-On Dec. 9 in an "Entitlement in Fandom" thread, [[|a nonny]] links to [[|EYM's "//DA:I//-critical" tag]] and rants,+On Dec. 9, 2014 in an "Entitlement in Fandom" thread, [[|a nonny]] links to [[|EYM's "//DA:I//-critical" tag]] and rants,
 //"Basically everything in this tag, from her emotionally manipulative behaviour to her endless persecution complex. Even when she has valid points, it's lost because she's too busy crying that her white haired purple eyed Elf Queen Warden who everyone is in love with (even characters she hates, but they're 'evil stalkers') wasn't the center of attention in Inquisition."//  //"Basically everything in this tag, from her emotionally manipulative behaviour to her endless persecution complex. Even when she has valid points, it's lost because she's too busy crying that her white haired purple eyed Elf Queen Warden who everyone is in love with (even characters she hates, but they're 'evil stalkers') wasn't the center of attention in Inquisition."// 
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 In the same thread, [[|nonnies later discuss]] how EYM has nicknamed the character Leliana "LINO," or "Leliana in Name Only," because the canon character doesn't match EYM's headcanon for her. In the same thread, [[|nonnies later discuss]] how EYM has nicknamed the character Leliana "LINO," or "Leliana in Name Only," because the canon character doesn't match EYM's headcanon for her.
-On Dec. 13 in a thread titled "You! Out of my fandom!", [[|a nonny]] calls EYM //"All the worst parts of the tumblr bioware fandom rolled into one person."// Another [[|notes]] that EYM has complained frequently //"that nobody followed her for her fics/meta and only her Angry Black Woman rants (her words) and she would get so mad about it,"// but that EYM's fic and meta are+On Dec. 13, 2014 in a thread titled "You! Out of my fandom!", [[|a nonny]] calls EYM //"All the worst parts of the tumblr bioware fandom rolled into one person."// Another [[|notes]] that EYM has complained frequently //"that nobody followed her for her fics/meta and only her Angry Black Woman rants (her words) and she would get so mad about it,"// but that EYM's fic and meta are
 //"so far into the realm of headcanon that it reminds me of how// Teen Wolf //fanfic doesn't resemble the actual show most of the time…Of course there's not gonna be a huge audience for what's basically your OC fanfic in a very OC version of a Bioware world, come on."// //"so far into the realm of headcanon that it reminds me of how// Teen Wolf //fanfic doesn't resemble the actual show most of the time…Of course there's not gonna be a huge audience for what's basically your OC fanfic in a very OC version of a Bioware world, come on."//
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 On Jan. 6, EYM [[|wrote the following post]]: On Jan. 6, EYM [[|wrote the following post]]:
-i don’t have anon on and haven’t in over a year +i don’t have anon on and haven’t in over a year 
- + 
-come at me with all the burner accounts that you want to, none of you will ever have a platform for anything +come at me with all the burner accounts that you want to, none of you will ever have a platform for anything 
- + 
-i didn’t give a fuck when those kids on 4chan tried it +i didn’t give a fuck when those kids on 4chan tried it 
- + 
-and i don’t give a fuck now +and i don’t give a fuck now 
- + 
-after everything I’ve been through in life +after everything I’ve been through in life 
- + 
-y'all will have to try a hell of a lot better than that +y'all will have to try a hell of a lot better than that 
- + 
-because if i don’t give a fuck about the head goddamn writer i sure don’t give a fuck about your opinion +because if i don’t give a fuck about the head goddamn writer i sure don’t give a fuck about your opinion 
- + 
-learn to wipe your ass first and then talk to me+learn to wipe your ass first and then talk to me
 A nonny [[|linked this]] and asked, //"FFA, what did you do?"// But, [[|as it turns out]], EYM was ranting about [[|Wankgate]]. A nonny [[|linked this]] and asked, //"FFA, what did you do?"// But, [[|as it turns out]], EYM was ranting about [[|Wankgate]].
-There was [[|more discussion]] about EYM on January 15: her [[|current //"shitfit over Wiccan oppression and people 'appropriating' tarot for fandom purposes"//]]; her [[|involvement]] with [[|FF7 House]]; and [[|her also being awful under her previous handle of CommanderBishoujo]]. She was also mentioned a few times in February, [[|in a "Guess the Wanker" thread]] and [[|in an "Ask Meme" subthread about DA]]. +There was [[|more discussion]] about EYM on January 15, 2015: her [[|current //"shitfit over Wiccan oppression and people 'appropriating' tarot for fandom purposes"//]]; her [[|involvement]] with [[|FF7 House]]; and [[|her also being awful under her previous handle of CommanderBishoujo]]. She was also mentioned a few times in February 2015, [[|in a "Guess the Wanker" thread]] and [[|in an "Ask Meme" subthread about DA]].
 {{tag>todo people people:wankers}} {{tag>todo people people:wankers}}
elfyourmother.1630176871.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/28 18:54 by