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dragon-age-wank [2021/09/03 19:39]
dragon-age-wank [2021/09/04 12:34] (current)
RedDeliciousApples added Tumblr mention
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 {{ :anders_opinions_by_marspatronus.jpg?400|Anders, m!Hawke, and Fenris on whether Anders did anything wrong - fanart by marspatronius on Tumblr}} {{ :anders_opinions_by_marspatronus.jpg?400|Anders, m!Hawke, and Fenris on whether Anders did anything wrong - fanart by marspatronius on Tumblr}}
-Dragon Age, as a wildly popular role-playing fantasy video game with progressive politics that first came out in 2009 — the same year that [[RaceFail|RaceFail]] happened — has unsurprisingly provided fandom with over a decade of intense and often completely batshit wank.+Dragon Age, as a wildly popular role-playing fantasy video game with progressive politics that first came out in 2009 — the same year that [[RaceFail|RaceFail]] happened — and whose rise coincided with that of [[Tumblr|Tumblr]] fandom, has unsurprisingly provided fandom with over a decade of intense and often completely batshit wank.
 A major theme of the game that drives a lot of political and interpersonal tension is that uncontrolled [[|mages]] can be extremely dangerous, but the [[|Chantry]], the dominant religious institution in that world (Thedas), persecutes and abuses mages. Thus, the two characters who seem to draw a disproportionate share of wank are: A major theme of the game that drives a lot of political and interpersonal tension is that uncontrolled [[|mages]] can be extremely dangerous, but the [[|Chantry]], the dominant religious institution in that world (Thedas), persecutes and abuses mages. Thus, the two characters who seem to draw a disproportionate share of wank are:
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   * In the next post, the [[|longest subthread]] of the generic DA thread started by discussing Anders' treatment of Merrill, another controversial DA character, and then segued into the (literally) explosive "mage rights" topic.   * In the next post, the [[|longest subthread]] of the generic DA thread started by discussing Anders' treatment of Merrill, another controversial DA character, and then segued into the (literally) explosive "mage rights" topic.
-A huge driver of Fenris wank is a nonny known as Fog Warriors Anon, who shows up every now and again to hate on Fenris. [[|Some]] [[|examples]] of [[|FWA's]] [[|greatest hits]]. As engaging with them is pointless, we derail with [[capybaras]] instead.+A huge driver of Fenris wank is a nonny known as Fog Warriors Anon, who shows up every now and again to hate on Fenris. [[|Some]] [[|examples]] of [[|FWA's]] [[|greatest hits]]. As engaging with them is pointless, nonnies derail with [[capybaras]] instead.
 One pairing that also gets wanked hard is Iron Bull/Dorian. Dorian is canon gay, which upsets a lot of homophobic hetshippers. Unpleasant comments on meme have included the following: One pairing that also gets wanked hard is Iron Bull/Dorian. Dorian is canon gay, which upsets a lot of homophobic hetshippers. Unpleasant comments on meme have included the following:
dragon-age-wank.1630697958.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/03 19:39 by nonnymousely