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disney-hating-anon [2021/08/30 02:00]
disney-hating-anon [2023/02/08 04:38] (current)
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 ====== Disney-Hating Anon ====== ====== Disney-Hating Anon ======
-{{|Bambi and Thumper in crosshairs}}On Jul. 4, 2015, meme was blessed with a brand-new troll, or maybe complete lunatic, who jumped into a [[http:///w/page/46351568/Common%20Threads|Fandom Venting]] thread with [[|this]]:+{{|Bambi and Thumper in crosshairs}}On Jul. 4, 2015, meme was blessed with a brand-new troll, or maybe complete lunatic, who jumped into a [[http:///w/page/46351568/Common%20Threads|Fandom Venting]] thread with [[|this]]:
 //As far as I'm concerned, all kid's movies that anthropomorphize vermin animals and try to make people sympathize with them can go fuck themselves. My job has enough pearl-clutching related obstacles already without soccer moms crawling up my ass about "why humans and Bambi can't just get along :(// //As far as I'm concerned, all kid's movies that anthropomorphize vermin animals and try to make people sympathize with them can go fuck themselves. My job has enough pearl-clutching related obstacles already without soccer moms crawling up my ass about "why humans and Bambi can't just get along :(//
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   * **Sep. 24, 2015:** Their [[|defense of Cruella de Vil]] in the [[http:///w/page/57272115/Things%20You%20Wouldn%27t%20Admit%20Unanon|TYWAU]] thread sparked 134 comments of wank. Not satisfied with that, they started [[|ANOTHER subthread]] in the same thread.   * **Sep. 24, 2015:** Their [[|defense of Cruella de Vil]] in the [[http:///w/page/57272115/Things%20You%20Wouldn%27t%20Admit%20Unanon|TYWAU]] thread sparked 134 comments of wank. Not satisfied with that, they started [[|ANOTHER subthread]] in the same thread.
-  * **Sep. 25, 2015:** Mockery of them appeared in "[[w/page/49043555/%22Opinions%20you%20actually%20have%20but%20get%20you%20called%20a%20troll%22|Real Opinions You Have That Would Get You Called A Troll]]": //"//The Lion King //encourages children to think it's somehow wrong to farm and eat lions (slaughtering them humanely through the trade-sanctioned "trampled to death by wildebeest" method)."// This may have actually [[|summoned them to the thread]]: "//[T]////he framing of Shere Khan as a villain was the only reasonable portrayal portrayal of animal-human relations I've detected in any anthropomorphic cartoon.//"+  * **Sep. 25, 2015:** Mockery of them appeared in "[[opinions-you-actually-have-but-get-you-called-a-troll|Real Opinions You Have That Would Get You Called A Troll]]": //"//The Lion King //encourages children to think it's somehow wrong to farm and eat lions (slaughtering them humanely through the trade-sanctioned "trampled to death by wildebeest" method)."// This may have actually [[|summoned them to the thread]]: "//[T]////he framing of Shere Khan as a villain was the only reasonable portrayal portrayal of animal-human relations I've detected in any anthropomorphic cartoon.//"
   * **Sep. 27, 2015:** In a post mocking a vegan who calls milk "rape," they [[|declared]], //"This is what happens when you grow up anthropomorphizing animals. You apply human moral concepts like rape to the artificial insemination process that is arguably much more humane and safe than a lot of species' natural behaviors."//   * **Sep. 27, 2015:** In a post mocking a vegan who calls milk "rape," they [[|declared]], //"This is what happens when you grow up anthropomorphizing animals. You apply human moral concepts like rape to the artificial insemination process that is arguably much more humane and safe than a lot of species' natural behaviors."//
   * **Sep. 30, 2015:** In a post titled "When the villain has a point," they [[|opined]], //"////I have a really low patience for media attempts to show keeping livestock for its intended purpose in a negative light. The latter decades of the 20th century were teeming with plucky little piglet protagonists (pigs happening to be one of a small handful of creatures that have one purpose only) and it got REALLY old."//   * **Sep. 30, 2015:** In a post titled "When the villain has a point," they [[|opined]], //"////I have a really low patience for media attempts to show keeping livestock for its intended purpose in a negative light. The latter decades of the 20th century were teeming with plucky little piglet protagonists (pigs happening to be one of a small handful of creatures that have one purpose only) and it got REALLY old."//
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   * **Oct. 14, 2015:** When a nonny [[|expressed guilt]] over eating meat, DHA [[|told them]], //"////Don't feel guilty about this. Humans are natural omnivores and if predation is good enough for the rest of nature it's good enough for us. I suggest you stop anthropomorphizing your food, that way only lies stupidity."//   * **Oct. 14, 2015:** When a nonny [[|expressed guilt]] over eating meat, DHA [[|told them]], //"////Don't feel guilty about this. Humans are natural omnivores and if predation is good enough for the rest of nature it's good enough for us. I suggest you stop anthropomorphizing your food, that way only lies stupidity."//
   * **Oct. 25, 2015:** DHA [[|kicked off 125 comments of TYWAU wank]] with wrath over people who don't want hunters to shoot coyotes. Highlights of the thread were him informing us that he's [[|gotten friendzoned by a herd of deer]], [[|Will Graham filk]], and Ur-Sunny [[|saying]], //"I keep going back and forth between 'Freeze this troll like a side of prime venison' and 'LOL.' I am Not A Good Mod tonight."//     * **Oct. 25, 2015:** DHA [[|kicked off 125 comments of TYWAU wank]] with wrath over people who don't want hunters to shoot coyotes. Highlights of the thread were him informing us that he's [[|gotten friendzoned by a herd of deer]], [[|Will Graham filk]], and Ur-Sunny [[|saying]], //"I keep going back and forth between 'Freeze this troll like a side of prime venison' and 'LOL.' I am Not A Good Mod tonight."//  
 +* **Feb. 07, 2016** DHA claims that [[ their brother used to shoot hummingbirds,]] which several nonnies find baffling as well as disturbing because hummingbirds are not generally considered pests. 
 {{tag>todo people people:nonnies}} {{tag>todo people people:nonnies}}
disney-hating-anon.1630288825.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2021/08/30 02:00 by nonnymousely