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dalek-shaped-dildo [2021/09/01 11:33]
RedDeliciousApples added pic
dalek-shaped-dildo [2021/09/01 11:34] (current)
RedDeliciousApples shrank pic
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 ====== Dalek-Shaped Dildo ====== ====== Dalek-Shaped Dildo ======
-{{ :dalek-shaped_dildo_icon.jpg?300|Dalek-shaped dildo, with lube}}A Sherlock fan tired of seeing their fandom crossed with "Dr. Who" [[|ranted about it]], concluding with, **"NO NO NO GO FIND A TARDIS AND FUCK YOURSELF IN IT WITH A DALEK-SHAPED DILDO"**+{{ :dalek-shaped_dildo_icon.jpg?150|Dalek-shaped dildo, with lube}}A Sherlock fan tired of seeing their fandom crossed with "Dr. Who" [[|ranted about it]], concluding with, **"NO NO NO GO FIND A TARDIS AND FUCK YOURSELF IN IT WITH A DALEK-SHAPED DILDO"**
 That phrase was featured in the Dec. 18, 2011 OP, [[|"A Single Perfect Tear For Me."]] In that post, [[|one nonny]] offered up [[|an icon]] they had created of a Dalek-shaped dildo, with lube, and it [[|immediately became a new mod icon]]. That phrase was featured in the Dec. 18, 2011 OP, [[|"A Single Perfect Tear For Me."]] In that post, [[|one nonny]] offered up [[|an icon]] they had created of a Dalek-shaped dildo, with lube, and it [[|immediately became a new mod icon]].
dalek-shaped-dildo.1630496030.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/01 11:33 by RedDeliciousApples