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antarctica-wank [2021/08/29 23:34]
RedDeliciousApples added pic
antarctica-wank [2021/08/31 13:49] (current)
RedDeliciousApples added alt-text
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 ====== Antarctica Wank ====== ====== Antarctica Wank ======
-{{ :bullshit_penguins.jpg?400|}}In early January 2016, for the new-ish [[w/page/46351568/Common%20Threads|common thread]] "Country of the Post," a nonny [[|went with Antarctica]]. The very first reply, from an [[w/page/81480029/Overly%20Aggressive%20Anon|OAA]], was [[|//“Bullshit.”//]] The reply to that was, //“Oh please, start Antarctica wank. It's probably the only thing meme hasn't wanked about yet.”//+{{ :bullshit_penguins.jpg?400|2 penguins boning}}In early January 2016, for the new-ish [[common-threads|common thread]] "Country of the Post," a nonny [[|went with Antarctica]]. The very first reply, from an [[overly-aggressive-anon|OAA]], was [[|//“Bullshit.”//]] The reply to that was, //“Oh please, start Antarctica wank. It's probably the only thing meme hasn't wanked about yet.”//
 Request granted! Request granted!
antarctica-wank.1630280063.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/29 23:34 by RedDeliciousApples