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ana-mardoll [2021/09/05 16:25]
anddiamssemicolon pronoun update
ana-mardoll [2021/09/05 21:10] (current)
anddiamssemicolon redirected Slacktiverse link to internal wiki page; the external link was the same as the header quote
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 //—// [[|Ana’s reaction]] when a commenter critiques his argument that denying a bratty child the present they want is somehow abusive behavior //—// [[|Ana’s reaction]] when a commenter critiques his argument that denying a bratty child the present they want is somehow abusive behavior
-Ana Mardoll is a blogger and veteran of two notorious SJW communities. He was a frequent commenter at the [[|Slacktiverse]]; when that site fell apart, he jumped ship to [[Shakesville]]. He also blogs at his own site, [[|Ana Mardoll's Ramblings]], where he chiefly “deconstructs” popular novels such as those in the the Twilight, Narnia, and Xanth series. In addition to blogging, he has written two novels (//[[|Pulchritude]]//, a retelling of //Beauty and the Beast//, and //[[|Poison Kiss]],// a fantasy romance) and founded an unsuccessful small press (Acacia Moon Publishing, discussed below).+Ana Mardoll is a blogger and veteran of two notorious SJW communities. He was a frequent commenter at the [[Slacktiverse]]; when that site fell apart, he jumped ship to [[Shakesville]]. He also blogs at his own site, [[|Ana Mardoll's Ramblings]], where he chiefly “deconstructs” popular novels such as those in the the Twilight, Narnia, and Xanth series. In addition to blogging, he has written two novels (//[[|Pulchritude]]//, a retelling of //Beauty and the Beast//, and //[[|Poison Kiss]],// a fantasy romance) and founded an unsuccessful small press (Acacia Moon Publishing, discussed below).
 FFA has talked about Mardoll any number of times. Specific topics have included his [[|frequent misinterpretations]] of the books he deconstructs, his inability to distinguish genuine social-justice issues from nonsense issues (such as [[|whether the word “humane” is offensive to otherkin]]), his [[|inability to accept]] even the mildest critique or disagreement, and his [[|pretensions]] that his literary deconstructions are “activist discussions.” FFA has talked about Mardoll any number of times. Specific topics have included his [[|frequent misinterpretations]] of the books he deconstructs, his inability to distinguish genuine social-justice issues from nonsense issues (such as [[|whether the word “humane” is offensive to otherkin]]), his [[|inability to accept]] even the mildest critique or disagreement, and his [[|pretensions]] that his literary deconstructions are “activist discussions.”
ana-mardoll.1630859134.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/05 16:25 by anddiamssemicolon