X-Kit Guy Wank

Most people on Tumblr use a third-party extension called X-Kit to enhance the platform's filtering capabilities. Sadly, X-Kit creator Xenix was accused of “predatory” behavior in late 2014 by an SJ blog that included no sources or evidence whatsoever and produced none after being asked for them.

It wasn't even a callout post. It was a post by a blog that supposedly documents abusers on Tumblr asking if anyone had ever had any issues with the X-Kit guy. The post itself was vague and didn't outright accuse him of anything, but you know Tumblr, it doesn't take much.”

After a few despondent posts on his personal Tumblr, Xenix abandoned the site. His X-Kit-related Tumblr has not been updated since January 2015.

After he left tumblr, a new team took over X-Kit.