We Are The Trolls

Re: The psychology of OTT fannish hate

Date: 2014-08-05 12:12 am (UTC)


Ooooh oooh now I really want We Are the Trolls, to the tune of We Are the World.

Can you make that happen for me? Please?

Re: The psychology of OTT fannish hate

Date: 2014-08-05 12:20 am (UTC)


We are the Trolls
We are the Gossers
We are the ones who ruin every comm
Because we're tossers

Re: The psychology of OTT fannish hate

Date: 2014-08-05 12:24 am (UTC)


Just the chorus:

We are the trolls, we are the villains
We are the ones who make an irksome day
So let's start wanking
There's a choice we're making
We're wasting our own time
It's true we'll make our kerfuffle way
Just you and me