Toilet Hovering Wank

cartoon of blonde woman wearing pink, hovering over a toilet with toilet paper on the seatAug. 21, 2014: A nonny groused,

I was at a coffee shop and just wanted to duck into the restroom to take a piss. But the person who was in there before me was in there for about a half an hour, flushing the toilet multiple times.

Ugh, gross.

A few people told the OP they were being unreasonable, but things really didn't get going until someone replied:

In the bathroom at my work, someone was flushing the toilet multiple times and lighting matches in the stall. I wanted to tell them to just fucking go home.

This touched off a discussion about women “going to ridiculous lengths to avoid going to the bathroom at work,” as discussed in this Daily Beast article. One nonny replied:

I do because public bathrooms are gross and doing my business anywhere other than home causes me a lot of anxiety. Not because of 'omg I must never fart' but because I don't want to touch anything there at all or smell anything and hovering over a toilet while holding my breath is not fun.

Yet another made the following request:

Please dont hover, it is hoverers who make things dirty. If you don't want to touch the seat (which is probably pretty clean), but TP on it. But don't hover, because you are then just being the disgusting person.

HoverNonny snapped, “Fuck off. I hate the anti-hovering people. I'm not touching any seat ever, except the one I have at home.” She added, “No public toilet could possibly be clean because people may have sat their uncovered flesh on it. I'm not getting a skin infection or a VD because some people have the (wrong) idea that hoverers are messy.” Evidence to the contrary would not sway her.

Before this thread topped out at 228 comments and was frozen, it also featured wank over different cultural approaches to toilet-using, people standing on toilet seats, people using their feet to flush the toilet, and such amazing phrases/sentences as //"arms don't shit and piss"// and //"I don't trust that other people don't rub their anuses and urethras around."//