Lets Reads

Meme discusses a lot of ridiculous people. Some of these ridiculous people are writers. And some of these ridiculous writers are not exactly at the peak of their craft.

That's where we come in.

Traditionally, a Let's Read begins with a nonnie obtaining some work by a wanker, bigot, or Social Justice Warrior who is making the rounds on meme and offering to read its most ridiculous excerpts. Nonnies then blindly request page numbers (or locations in an electronic book), and the original nonnie quotes an excerpt from that page. Generally, that excerpt is hilariously stupid, absurdly bigoted, or barely literate. And much entertainment is had by all.

Let's Reads include:

Theodore Beale (AKA Vox Day), infamous bigot who has published several fantasy short stories and novels through Castilia House, a publishing company that he owns. He was actually thrown out of the SFWA, a writer's guild, due to his racism.

The Last Witchking,” one of Day's novels. Included his story “Opera Vita Aeterna,” which was nominated for a Hugo as part of Sad Puppies 2. Meme mocked the poor use of Latin and other foreign languages (including in the title), the bizarre double entendres, and the stilted, overblown writing. Excerpt:

Arts of Dark and Light,” another novel by Vox Day. Nonnies had great fun in mocking the poor writing and juvenile content. For instance:

Tom Kratman, part of the Puppy cadre. Known for threatening to track down and assault people who criticize his writing online.

Caliphate, a novel about Evil Muslims IN SPACE, which spilled over into a second thread. Excerpt:

W!ll Sh3tt3rly. An ostensible hero of the working class who frequently barges into discusses to assert that racism and sexism are irrelevant, and all that matters is classism. Doesn't appear to actually understand what classism is, and frequently mixes up the Marxist definition of class with more conventional uses, as analyzed by a nonnie in the Let's Read thread.

How to Make a Social Justice Warrior, a collection of essays in which he argued in his usual clueless and incoherent style. Excerpt:

Benjanun Sriduangkaew (AKA Winterfox). An infamous troll who repeatedly advocated for other authors to be raped, mutilated, and murdered, her writing features the same violent revenge fantasies as her reviews and general conduct.

Scale Bright“ Winterfox's novella, which almost drowned meme in its purple prose. Excerpt:

Dennis Upkins (AKA Neo Prodigy). Has argued at length that the reason his books don't sell is because of racist and homophobic straight white women. Meme would argue that it's because he's a terrible writer and a raging sexist to boot.

Hollowstone“. The very first read-along on fail-fandom featured Neo's ridiculous self-insert character, massive amounts of sexism, and a music theory class taught by the least professional teacher in existence. Excerpt:

West of Sunset“, his next 'work.' Featured another ridiculous self-insert character, terrible grammar (including two comma errors in the same sentence on the back cover of the book) and some of the most stilted writing every put to pen. Excerpt:

John C Wright, professional science fiction writer who became infamous for his rants against right-to-die advocates, LGBT people, atheists, progressives, and everyone else not in accordance with the Church of Rome.

Transhuman and Subhuman,“ a collection of essays which was nominated for the Hugo in 2015 as part of the Rabid Puppies logrolling campaign. The content was found to be alternately hilarious and offensive. There was so much to go over that a second thread was opened up for further mockery. Excerpt:

One Bright Star to Guide Them,“ a Narnia ripoff which was also nominated for the Hugo in 2015. Featured a stereotypical evil Darwinian as a villain. Excerpt:

Although many nonnies have shared horrible writing with us, there is one Let's Read Nonny who has really taken a hit for meme. They are a true hero.