Ana Mardoll

NOTE 5 September 2021: Ana Mardoll identifies as a man and uses “he/him” pronouns, which will be used in this article. Previously, he has used both “she/her” and “they” pronouns, and direct quotes from meme discussions and pages linked below may use those pronouns. Please bring any unintentional pronoun errors to the attention of a wikinonnie.

“There is nothing more you need to say on this topic except ‘I apologize and I won’t do it again.’”

Ana’s reaction when a commenter critiques his argument that denying a bratty child the present they want is somehow abusive behavior

Ana Mardoll is a blogger and veteran of two notorious SJW communities. He was a frequent commenter at the Slacktiverse; when that site fell apart, he jumped ship to Shakesville. He also blogs at his own site, Ana Mardoll's Ramblings, where he chiefly “deconstructs” popular novels such as those in the the Twilight, Narnia, and Xanth series. In addition to blogging, he has written two novels (Pulchritude, a retelling of Beauty and the Beast, and Poison Kiss, a fantasy romance) and founded an unsuccessful small press (Acacia Moon Publishing, discussed below).

FFA has talked about Mardoll any number of times. Specific topics have included his frequent misinterpretations of the books he deconstructs, his inability to distinguish genuine social-justice issues from nonsense issues (such as whether the word “humane” is offensive to otherkin), his inability to accept even the mildest critique or disagreement, and his pretensions that his literary deconstructions are “activist discussions.”

Despite his protestations that he opposes abusive and offensive behavior, Ana Mardoll is an enthusiastic friend and ally of Winterfox, a notorious troll infamous for advocating that people she disliked should be raped, mutilated, and murdered. In particular, he has argued that the Mixon report, which demonstrated Winterfox's patterns of abuse over the years, is indistinguishable from Eron Gjanj's blogpost about Zoe Quinn that kicked off Gamergate (twitter). Mardoll has gone so far as to contend that the act of documenting or 'compiling' evidence that a person is a serial harasser is inherently violent and unsafe (twitter).

Notable wanks

They could have planted small apple trees, of course — pretty little decorative trees that grow less fruit but can be picked by hand whenever the desire arises. And knowing the Pevensies, they probably did. This orchard probably wasn’t put into Cair Paravel to protect the residents from starvation over a long siege. The orchard probably wasn’t put into Cair Paravel to feed the surrounding community and ensure they always had food stored up over the winter. It’s easy for me to imagine that the priorities of the Pevensie monarchs — who, let us not forget, spent their last days in Narnia hunting one of their subjects for sport — were beauty and pleasure over security and social welfare.

[T]he writing is just so bad. And I know that's taboo to say in Lewis circles but this writing is awful. I don't know why I didn't recognize it as much before–maybe the earlier books were better, maybe the experience I have under my belt as a writer is to blame–but here we are and every page, every paragraph, screams 'I had no real outline or plan for this and I disdained the concept of edits!'

One nonnie snarked that “The fact that the last third of his self-pubbed book is her explaining what she meant by the book is never going to stop being hilarious to me. Speaking of things you should edit out, Mardoll…”

Jan. 27, 2016: In continuation of the previous day's thread, nonnies try to analyze exactly where Ana went wrong with his Narnia deconstructions, and compare Mardoll's deconstructions of Narnia with Fred Clark's posts on Left Behind. Several hypotheses are put forth, including:

“This whole thing also reminds me of some anon on meme who speculated a while back that her choice of characters to defend never makes any consistent sense, unless you start assuming that she will always side with the bully. (Like why, for instance, she sympathizes with Edmund and Eustace up until they stop acting like jerks, and why she's so hung up on that lizard-smashing kid from Discworld.) I wasn't 100% convinced at the time, but given her wholehearted embrace of WF, I'm starting to agree.”

Elsewhere in that thread: