====== Yuletide filk ====== [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/106728.html?thread=533708776#cmt533708776|Nonny,]] Oct. 6, 2014: //"Anyone else singing [[Yuletide|'Yuletide']] to the music of [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSHr4ubuD64|'Rawhide']]?"// Another nonny obliged: Coalin' coalin' coalin' Though the seams are swollen Keep them Morbanes coalin' Yuletide Porn, angst and tropefic Don't write a nope fic If they want fluff then no one dies All the fics I'm writin' My letter caused a fight in Coal, so now I'm gonna hide Beta them (Write em up!) Write em up (Beta them!) Beta them Write em up yuuuuletiiiiiiiide {{tag>todo nonnywork nonnywork:filk events:exchanges:yuletide}}