====== X-Kit Guy Wank ====== Most people on [[Tumblr]] use [[http://xkit.info/|a third-party extension called X-Kit]] to enhance the platform's filtering capabilities. Sadly, X-Kit creator Xenix was [[http://frog-and-toad-are-friends.tumblr.com/post/115923659188/so-on-october-31st-2014-the|accused of “predatory” behavior]] in late 2014 by an SJ blog that included no sources or evidence whatsoever and produced none after being asked for them. //"[[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/166711.html?thread=898466359#cmt898466359|It wasn't even]] a callout post. It was a post by a blog that supposedly documents abusers on Tumblr asking if anyone had ever had any issues with the X-Kit guy. The post itself was vague and didn't outright accuse him of anything, but you know Tumblr, it doesn't take much."// After [[http://xenix.tumblr.com/post/101466031212|a few]] [[http://xenix.tumblr.com/post/101514648262|despondent posts]] on his personal Tumblr, Xenix abandoned the site. His [[http://xkit-extension.tumblr.com/|X-Kit-related Tumblr]] has not been updated since January 2015. After he left tumblr, [[http://new-xkit-extension.tumblr.com/|a new team took over X-Kit]]. {{tag>todo wank wank:sj-wank}}