====== When a White Penis Meets Another White Penis ====== {{ :white-penii-meet.jpg?300|Sketch of two very hairy penises frotting}} **Nov. 8, 2015:** After [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/167886.html?thread=904962510#cmt904962510|a heated wank]] about Uhura fans vs. Kirk/Spock fans, a nonny [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/167886.html?thread=905541582#cmt905541582|observed]]: //So, this thread in summary:// //"When a white penis meets another white penis, and both penii are attached to white men of at least an 8 on a 1 to 10 conventional attractiveness scale?// //The connection between those white penii is more powerful, deep, meaningful, and compelling than anything else. At all. Plot, characterization, logic, none of these things matter.// //There is a pair of white cocks at stake, and their needs must be met."// This should not be confused with [[dick-booping|Dick Booping]]. {{tag>nonnywork nonnywork:deep-thoughts}}