====== White Cock ====== {{http://i42.tinypic.com/vi1q4z.jpg|A giant white rooster statue}}"White cock," a phrase invented on lol_meme, describes juggernaut ships based around two white male characters when is was another, more-obvious ship to be had that includes a non-white character. The ur-example is [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/341.html?thread=601173#t601173|Shawn/Lassiter]] (//Psych//): Gus canonically is super BFFs with Shawn, while Lassiter has a comedically antagonistic relationship with him. Frequently used in conjunction with Any Two Guys (who generally happen to be white) and [[migratory-slash-fandom|Migratory Slash Fandom]]. Over time, there has been a growing tendency for fans and memers to use the term to mean //any// ship made up of two white men, regardless of the context, usually to scold people for not writing more about women or PoC. This often causes disputes. {{tag>todo jargon jargon:memes}}