====== The Path Less Fapped-to By ====== //[[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/73284.html?thread=347958596#t347958596|(Anonymous)]]//\\ 2013-12-08 02:30 am (UTC) Two kinks diverged in fannish wood,\\ And sorry I could not wank to both,\\ And be one ficcer, long I stood,\\ And took my trope as far as I could,\\ To where it bent in pubey undergrowth\\ \\ Then took the other, kudosed fair,\\ And having perhaps the better tags,\\ Because it was warned for and wanted wear;\\ Though as for that the hotness there,\\ Had worn my wrist just as bad\\ \\ And both that fandom equally fic\\ In tags no fan had trodden black.\\ Oh, I kept the first kink for another day!\\ Yet knowing how click leads on to squick,\\ I doubted if I should ever come back.\\ \\ I shall be reading porn with a sigh\\ Somewhere kudos and kudos hence:\\ Two kinks diverged in a fandom, and I—\\ I took the one less fapped-to by,\\ And that has made all the difference. This was written in response to [[anti-kink-wank|Anti-Kink Wank]]. {{tag>todo nonnywork nonnywork:poetry}}