====== The Future ====== [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/168832.html?thread=911548288#cmt911548288|**The Future**]] //Date: 2015-11-14 06:54 pm (UTC)// Give me wanky juggernaut,\\ Misogyny, and [[ms-Scribe|MsScribe]],\\ It’s lonely here,\\ And no one takes my trollbait. Give me a devoted troll\\ With seemingly broken scroll\\ And wank all over [[Flatmemers|flat view]],\\ That’s an order! Give me cliché anal sex\\ Flouncers who have never left\\ Say that’s how it’s done\\ “In your culture”. Give me trash and the fourth wall\\ Give me [[springs1]] and mod call\\ I’ve seen the future, nonnies:\\ It is tumblr! [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnaxvBsyigM|Inspiration.]] {{tag>todo nonnywork nonnywork:filk}}