====== The Femdome ====== "The Femdome" is how Gentlefailers refer to a loose collection of [[|sf_drama]]– and [[|sfd_anon]]–based SJWs, many with Tumblrs. They are radical feminists who are sometimes misandrist, biphobic, transphobic, and/or kinkphobic. A few examples: * [[http://galesofnovember.tumblr.com/|Gales of November]], who is [[http://waytogojeremy.livejournal.com|Way To Go Jeremy]] (formerly Oh_Annalouise) on LJ * [[http://desliz.tumblr.com/|Desliz/Huerca Zafada]], who is [[http://entelodont.livejournal.com/|Entelodont]] on LJ * [[http://theicewomancometh.tumblr.com/|The Icewoman Cometh]], who is Korinna on [[http://korinna.livejournal.com|LJ]] and [[https://korinna.dreamwidth.org|Dreamwidth]] * [[http://coldbitterness.tumblr.com|Coldbitterness]], who has gone by such names on LJ as Remedios_Varo, Sovegna_Vos, Bitteralmonds, and Sally_MacLennane * [[http://coalhowse.livejournal.com/|Coalhowse]], who shut down her Tumblr {{tag>todo people people:wankers}}