====== Sunnymodffa's Pony Parodies ====== **[[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/65029.html?thread=305806341#t305806341|I Walk the (Pony) Line]]**\\ **sunnymodffa**\\ 2013-08-25 04:14 pm (UTC) I keep a close watch on this horse of mine\\ I keep the barn door open all the time\\ I keep the hay baled neatly up with twine\\ These hooves of mine\\ They walk the line **[[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/65480.html?thread=307137992#t307137992|One Toke Over the (Pony) Line]]**\\ **sunnymodffa**\\ 2013-08-29 03:06 am (local) Sittin' downtown in a big old stable,\\ One toke over the line.\\ Waitin' for the herd to come home, sweet Jesus\\ Hopin' that the oats are on time.\\ Sittin' downtown in the Pony stable,\\ One toke over the line. {{tag>todo nonnywork nonnywork:filk}}