====== Subway Sammichs Wank ====== {{ :steve-cuozzo-subway-2.jpg?200|Steve Cuozzo from the NY Post giving his Subway sandwiches 2 thumbs down}}A minor wank: [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/26362.html?thread=115399162#t115399162|A discussion]] about the joys of the Subway sandwich restaurant chain led to [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/26362.html?thread=115417338#t115417338|one nonny complaining]] about the OP's spelling of "Sammichs." A DA replied, //[[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/26362.html?thread=115434746#t115434746|"It's retard day on the meme today, you shouldn't be surprised by stupid babyspeak,"]]// and, when the ATRT observed that the DA was determined to cause wank, said, //[[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/26362.html?thread=115443962#t115443962|"Let me guess, you're too stupid to track, so you flatmeme. The fact that you're too stupid for proper punctuation makes that conclusion pretty easy."]]//Whereupon a mod stepped in and froze things. {{tag>todo wank wank:food-wank wank:ffa-wank}}