====== Welcome to the Fail-Fandomanon Wiki ====== **//(Currently rather obviously under construction. Aspiring editors, hit up the [[wiki:todo|todo]] page if you're looking for a place to start contributing.)//** {{ 2_dogs_pony.jpg?230|2 dogs riding on a pony}} Hello, Gentlefailers and others! Welcome to the //new and improved// unofficial wiki of Fail Fandomanon. This wiki was formerly: * on [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/|LiveJournal]] (old posts are still there) * from July 5, 2014, solely on [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/|Dreamwidth]] (here's the [[Hyphenfail|backstory]]) * on [[https://failfandomanon.fandom.com/wiki/FFA_Wiki|Wikia]] (archive.org link for posterity [[https://web.archive.org/web/20200920160637/https://failfandomanon.fandom.com/wiki/FFA_Wiki|here]]) * on a [[http://failfandomanonwiki.pbworks.com/|private PBWorks wiki]] that is pointless to link to Now it is here at [[https://ffa.wiki|ffa.wiki]], and hopefully here to stay. If you're new to the meme, you may wish to check out [[acronyms|Acronyms Commonly Used on FFA]]. If you want to jump in and help curate the wiki, please [[wiki:accounts|request an account]]. Like FFA itself, this wiki is a Choose Not To Warn experience. Happy reading! ===== Where to start ===== * [[people|People]], including [[people#wankers|wankers]], [[people#nonnies|nonnies]] and [[people#communities|communities]]. * [[nonnywork|Nonnywork]], a.k.a. [[nonnywork#poetry|poetry]], [[nonnywork#art|art]], [[nonnywork#filk|filk]] and other notable works made by memers. * [[jargon|Jargon]], which includes [[acronyms]] commonly used on FFA. * [[events|Events]], a list of both internal and external events, such as [[events#conventions|conventions]], [[events#exchanges|exchanges]] and so on. * [[https://test.ffa.wiki/tag/threads?do=showtag&tag=threads|Threads]], which lists [[common-threads|common meme threads]] and research- or advice-oriented threads. * [[wank|Wank]], an non-exhaustive list of various wanks (it would be impossible to provide an exhaustive list, as meme will wank at the drop of a hat over anything). {{tag>todo about-us}}