====== Shit Nonnies Say ====== //"For the record, again:// //The meme was not founded for [[social-justice-vs-sj|SJW]] reasons. It was founded because I was over invested in an argument about slingbabies, and like to drink and LJ.”//\\ — Ur-Sunny, [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/35051.html?thread=161105899|Jun. 23, 2012]] //“Welcome to FFA. Where Nazi sex fantasies can get turned into sincere and earnest vaguely asexual statements in three comments or less.”//\\ — Ur-Sunny, [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/112945.html?thread=574274865#cmt574274865|Nov. 26, 2014]] ////“//If you//’//re coming here for nonstop positive civility, just. Why are you doing that.//”//// — [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/173835.html?thread=943950603#cmt943950603|Dec. 22, 2015]] //“Well we’ve reached the NO U event horizon and it only took what, an hour?”// — [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/151309.html?thread=805448973#cmt805448973|Jul. 31, 2015]] //“Congratulations. You’ve written the stupidest, most useless comment to ever be on meme. You are Lord Dumbshit, high on the throne of Dick Mountain. Not even the [[Poop-Troll|poop troll]] could usurp your title.”// — [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/151222.html?thread=803903926#cmt80390|Jul. 29, 2015]] ////“//Meme means never having to apologize for not getting the joke.//”//// — [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/177480.html?thread=966085960#cmt966085960|Jan. 18, 2016]] //“At this point my only OTP is You/Shutting the Fuck Up.”// — [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/155365.html?thread=828940005#cmt828940005|Aug. 24, 2015]] //“This is literally the stupidest fucking comment I//’//ve read today, and //I//’//ve// been in the [[common-threads|fandom venting thread]] already.”// — [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/158235.html?thread=848531483#cmt848531483|Sep. 10, 2015]] ////“//Because it literally is only possible to misinterpret it that badly if you willfully decide to torture the metaphor to fucking death, skin it, and wear the shredded pieces as a girl suit while dancing around and touching yourself while a chick and a poodle scream in your cellar.//”//// — [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/179789.html?thread=980149325#cmt980149325|Jan. 31, 2016]] //“Oh, please. Meme runs on hateboners and omega slick.”// — [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/183235.html?thread=995654595#cmt995654595|Feb. 17, 2015]] //“The wonderful thing about an anon-meme is that it doesn’t matter who you are in namespace. You can be the biggest BNF out there, or a little ole NNF, have the worst or most sparkling reputation, and it doesn’t make a bit of difference. We are all nonnies. We are all equal. And the only thing that matters about you is what you are saying right now, in this thread.”// — [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/134814.html?thread=704233886#cmt704233886|Apr. 24, 2015]] //“I mean, how many nonnies have said they came expecting FFA it be a hive of scum and villainy and then stayed when they found out...it was a hive of cum and villain wank instead!”//\\ — [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/133571.html?thread=696997827#cmt696997827|Apr. 17, 2015]] ////“//I like to think that my topping preferences are making a better world, like a Destiel epic in iambic pentameter.//”//// — [[https://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/179077.html?thread=974401925#cmt974401925|Jan. 26, 2016]] //“I just wanted the occasional asspat for pretentious navel-gazing, I never asked to be the fandom authority on sociological theory amidst a sea of unrelenting sexuality wank and overinvested fans of all stripes.”//\\ — [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/32016.html?thread=145427472#t145427472|Apr. 26, 2012]] ////“//Like the best orgy where nobody meets anyone////’////s eyes the next day, this was a group effort.//”//// — [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/177480.html?thread=966061128#cmt966061128|Jan. 18, 2016]] //“All I can imagine when I think of the human embodiment of FFA is a lesbian tentacle monster constantly arguing with itself.”//\\ — [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/101861.html?thread=505153765#cmt505153765|Aug. 30, 2014]] //“It may also be why the complaints about meme not being nice anymore started: they forget meme can be friendly, but we’re all anon. We’re not friends.”//\\ — [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/93770.html?thread=456268874#cmt456268874|Jul. 2, 2014]] //“We’re a daisy chain of blowing other nonnies and making their engorged opinions feel important.”//\\ — [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/109524.html?thread=552335572#cmt552335572|Oct. 30, 2014]] //“Half the people here haven’t had a conversation with a live person since 2006. The other half gets ass fucked in public. No wonder why we all can’t get along.”//\\ — [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/105746.html?thread=530463250#cmt530463250|Oct. 2, 2014]] //- “Back here and in fandom after 6 months - what did I miss? Any huge drama? New rules? Imploding fests? What’s the hot new ATG fandom these days?”\\ - “Well there’s// that //thing, but we’re not allowed to talk about it.”//\\ — [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/60142.html?thread=281809134#t281809134|Jun. 28, 2013]] //“To be honest, nonnie, whichever speed meme is travelling at is the speed of wank. (Nonnie's first law of ffa. Second law: If it exists, there will be wank about it. Third law: If there is wank, a nonnie will discuss it earnestly. Fourth law: If there are wanking nonnies and earnest nonnies, there will also be an unaffiliated nonnie posting from a [[Fish-Nonsense-Nonny|fish-rich universe]].)”//\\ — [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/115175.html?thread=586864615#cmt586864615|Dec. 10, 2014]] //“Every time someone calls meme ‘earnest’, I become increasingly convinced that it is a euphemism for ‘pants-on-head stupid’.”//\\ — [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/140709.html?thread=741147045#cmt741147045|May 28, 2015]] //“Doing fandom wrong is the best way of doing fandom.”//\\ — [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/140986.html?thread=742902202#cmt742902202|May 30, 2015]] {{tag>todo about-us}}